Saturday, March 25, 2006

Greatest Hits: Hermione Granger Don't Be A Stranger & Sirius Black, Leader of the Pack

I haven't been up to much lately; mostly, I've been catching up on movies, DVDs, and books. I saw some of the major Oscar contenders before and after the ceremony, although I have yet to see Crash, Pride & Prejudice or Memoirs of a Geisha, and should at least attempt to see Crash. In terms of books, I just finished Madame Bovary and have moved on to In Cold Blood. It's easy to get too preoccupied for novels or long-form fiction sometimes, so I'm hoping that I can find the time to finish some of the books that I've been meaning to read.

I've been to a few events as well. Last night, some law school friends and I went to a concert of Gary Sinise's band, which was fun in spite of the fact that the woman in front of me stepped on my foot twice. Tonight, I am going with my sister, Matt, and my sister's friend Emily to a concert by one of Emily's friends, who is in a Harry Potter tribute band; I'm slightly surprised and amused that a Harry Potter band subculture exists in the first place, so I'll be curious to see how the concert is.