Sunday, September 7, 2014


In October 2013, my friend Liz and I met up for a low-key afternoon of coffee and chatter. At some point, the two of us got onto the topic of literature, and how we had gotten away from the practice of regularly reading books. Out of that conversation came the idea of starting a book club, and, fortunately, we were able to run with the idea. As a result of that short conversation, I've gotten to read six books that I probably wouldn't have checked out, engaged in interesting conversations, tried out a few cafes, and gotten to know some new friends. The weekly meetings have really been a fun thing to look forward to over the past year.

The group started small, with three active members, but expanded to six in the spring. While life would sometimes get in the way of meetings, and people may occasionally need to sit a book out when other responsibilities take priority, we've persisted and been able to keep up a good pace without abandoning any books.