Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dramatic Changes

Life has changed significantly for me over the past couple of months, and I would be remiss if I didn't say something about it.

Most importantly, I now have a permanent job! Since July 30, I have been working in the Professional Liability section of a large Los Angeles-based law firm. The work has been interesting so far, and I have been getting good feedback on my writing. I'm very excited to be working, and I hope that my career will continue to grow.

As a result of my job, I can make a few long-needed changes to my life. I was able to purchase a 2005 Corolla; I desperately needed a new car, especially after my much-reviled 1984 station wagon broke down in late May, and this car has been perfect for my needs. The car has good mileage and a few nice bells and whistles, plus it's a good, flexible size.

Finally, I've been able to get a new apartment. It's in a cute and quiet Hollywood-area neighborhood where my sister has lived for a few years. Not only is the neighborhood a nice one, but it is much closer to work, so my commute will be much shorter from now on. My unit is fairly large and, because it faces the front of the building, I get a lot of light and have a nice view of the area. Because this is my first "real" apartment, I don't have much furniture yet; I plan to accumulate my furniture over several months. Still, it's exciting to have a place of my own, and I know that it will look great once everything has been set up.

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