Sunday, May 16, 2021

Neighborhood Exploration

There is a lot to digest about the events of the last several months; although it has affected all of us differently depending on our individual circumstances, we have all experienced our share of grief, trauma, loss, and loneliness during the pandemic. Still, if we were lucky, we could  find moments of connection, discovery, and growth that occurred in spite of, or even because of, the challenging circumstances.

I live in a pretty walkable neighborhood, and, even prior to lockdown, I would occasionally take walks up and down the main drag in order to meet a “step quota” (I could get 4,000-5,000 steps out of a walk up and down the street) or simply get a little bit of stimulation. My walkable neighborhood became more of a lifeline than ever during lockdown, when other opportunities for getting out of the apartment began to dry up. And, slowly, these walks provided the opportunity for discovering a neighborhood that I had not fully explored, even after living there for more than a decade.

Initially, I stuck to the well-trod route: going down the road to the gas station, going back up the road until I reached the Beachwood Cafe, and returning to the apartment. It’s a nice and fulfilling walk, and I’m still a bit tickled when I see the Hollywood sign on my regular route.

Before long, a friend expanded his walks around the neighborhood and encountered the Saroyan Steps, which are located slightly outside the normal route, a block or so north of the Beachwood Cafe. I followed suit, and explored those steps, along with the other staircases that pepper the Beachwood Canyon area. At my most ambitious, my route could cover 7 staircases and take me on a 5-6 mile journey. I ended up scaling back after face masks became necessary, since I was prone to hyperventilating when I tried climbing a staircase while masked, even after I ameliorated the situation by using sport masks and accessories such as mask braces.

Regardless, it was a gift to discover parts of my own neighborhood that had been entirely unexplored, and to get a better glimpse of the area around me. The new paths, winding through posh hillside enclaves, took me to distinctive-looking homes, and great views of the city, along with views of landmarks like the Griffith Observatory.

On occasion, I wandered off the concrete roads and checked out the adjacent nature trails. Those walks served as a helpful reminder that, even though I live in a major city, nature can be accessible.

Another benefit to expanding the scope of the neighborhood walks: a greater variety of Hollywood sign views.

I am hoping that, as life returns to normal and more activities become available, I won’t forget to enjoy an extended neighborhood walk from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Pictures Jenny, I'm glad you got out and got to see some of wondrous nature around where you live.
