Monday, June 24, 2002

Sun and Moon

Wow, here's a change... I have some actual stuff to post about!

On Sunday afternoon, I went to the premiere of the Hey Arnold movie at Paramount - I know Craig Bartlett, who created the show, and he was nice enough to invite me. It was held in the main Paramount theater, which, as could be expected, was very large with nice seating. Of course, since it was a kids' movie, the atmosphere was low-key and sort of like a small carnival; there were people in Nicktoon suits greeting everyone who walked in the theater, and the post-movie party had moon bounces, dunk tanks, and the like (they also had Jamba Juice smoothies and other snacks).

A few hours later, I went with Chrissie and her friend Emily to the Westwood Brewing Company, where my friend Natasha was performing along with two of her friends. She did mostly Latin jazz and Brazillian music, and also performed a few songs she had written herself. It went off really well, and the three of us were pretty impressed by the performance.

Today, I finally began the arduous task of moving my desk to the other side of the room, which entailed moving just about every other piece of furniture as well. It's much more spacious now. It also gave me the opportunity to rummage through and rediscover old things dating back from junior high... lots of cards for various occasions, my Marlborough class ring (I couldn't find it for the longest time), the senior song Reena wrote to the tune of the Mexican Hat Dance, postcards, and even the 'senior letter' I had to write when I was in eighth grade (heh, I sounded like such a dork... but I probably still do anyway). I still have a lot to do, though. I'd like to rearrange and replace the posters on my walls, and I have barely touched the stuff I shipped for college. I'm just glad that I got the energy to begin the task.

Friday, June 21, 2002


I get so lazy when I'm at home... it's bad enough when I'm in a dorm room, but at home I have more access to TV and food as well as less mobility and fewer opportunities to get out of the house. With that in mind, one could probably guess what my past few days have been like.

A few events of note (at least in a relative sense):
  • I went driving in the 'Blue Limo/Lemon', the old car that I'll probably end up driving. I haven't driven in ages, and it was my first time driving that particular car (well, second, but it stalled five minutes into the first drive and I just had dad drive) or driving at night. I really dislike driving; I would be much happier if LA had a good (or at least halfway decent) public transportation system)
  • I went over to my grandparents' this morning.
Hopefully I'll be able to get the motivation to clean up or something, since just sitting around playing video games or watching TV isn't the best use of my time. Oh well...

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Father's Day Weekend

A decent amount has happened lately. I guess I'll start at the very beginning, which we all know is a very good place to start.

On Friday, I accompanied my mom and sister to Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Not exactly the movie I would choose on my own (I really don't care for 'chick flicks'), but at least it got me out of the house.

At about noon on Saturday, Fred drove by to pick me up. We went to the Getty museum, had dinner on the Third Street Promenade, and went to the play Proof. The decision to see the performance was sort of a last-minute thing; we had wanted to see an orchestral performance or play, but hadn't made the final decision until we were on the freeway about 30 minutes before the production itself. We ended up getting there a minute or two late, and could not take our seats until the end of the first scene (we had to watch it on a television screen). That aside, it was an enjoyable play.

Fred also came by on Sunday, where he joined my parents, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparents, and twin cousins for a Father's Day lunch at Chuck E. Cheese (there's really not many other places you can expect to go with two-year-olds). Though the situation could have been awkward, it went over well, and everyone seemed to like Fred. We eventually took our leave and went to Disney's California Adventure theme park. We strolled through the park and went on a few attractions before going back to my house. We had a good time, and I'm glad that we were able to see each other again.

Today was much less eventful, as I basically reverted to couch potato mode. I did find out that I probably won't be getting student housing next year, which really upsets me. I haven't had to study at home for four years, and I have no idea how I'll handle the transition. I don't like living at home, partially because I like having more personal space, and partially because I am a privacy fiend, but mostly because I lose a lot of control when I am at home. I really don't like being at home; it almost seems like I lose five years of maturity (not like I'm all that mature to begin with) when I'm constantly surrounded by my family. I know my family means well, and I really have no right to whine as I am still mooching off them, but it is a frustrating situation for all of us.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Good News

Today I didn't do very much Today started out with a car ride to USC and Sportmart; Chrissie needed to go to the Zemeckis center at USC, and we went to Sportmart because my sister and I have been doing some yoga together, so I needed a mat, plus we needed an extra set of barbells. I spent some of the afternoon reading, and some of it cleaning out my chest of drawers. I had clothing in there that was over ten years old, and it's doing little more than take up space.

In other news, I got an acceptance letter from the Pepperdine Law School, along with a 'Dean's Scholarship' of $27,210 (Why do they bother with the $10? A decent amount could be saved if they just gave $27,200 scholarships to people, but oh well). Nedless to say, my family is ecstatic. Pepperdine really isn't where I want to end up, but at least I have something to look forward to rather than the aimlessness that I've been feeling lately. In any case, I can always transfer if I'm unhappy.

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

As Brevity is the Soul of Wit...

... and because I am pressed for time, I shall try to be brief.

On Saturday, I went with Chrissie, her friend Emily, and my dad to the Renaissance Faire. It was fairly enjoyable; though my family had gone to the Ren Faire before, we had never seen the actual jousting before, and that was fun. It was a bit hot and dusty, as could be expected, and at times I felt like I was more 'tagging along' than actively participating. Nonetheless, I had a fun time.

On Sunday, my dad took me to the Pepperdine and Southwestern law schools. I don't particularly want to go to either place, and the trip was sort of useless as not much was going on during a Sunday in June. Oh well... at least it made him think he was doing something. It was also cute when he went to the Pepperdine library and pointed out his 'most famous' case in a law book; I don't get to see my dad get all excited and beam about something very often.

This evening, I went to a graduation party for Chrissie's friend (she knows the family pretty well, but is primarily friends with Chrissie) Jordana. I saw a few familiar faces, including my high school debate coach, who I hadn't seen in ages. It was low-key, which was nice.

Friday, June 7, 2002

It's A World Of Laughter

Today, I went with the family to Disney's California Adventure theme park. We had planned on staying late, but we didn't end if up doing much; we got annual passes and just walked through the park and went on a few rides before leaving in the afternoon. It was a pleasant enough day, since it was overcast rather than hot, and I liked seeing the new park even though I'm not much of a theme park person.

Thursday, June 6, 2002

Pomp and Circumstance

Today I went to a Marlborough high school graduation; for those who don't know, I attended Marlborough from 7th to 12th grade. It was the same as past ceremonies I've been to, though I think the fact that I just graduated from college and am currently a bit aimless made me somewhat depressed. It gave me cause to reflect on my own issues surrounding high school and my own inadequacies.

After the actual graduation, there was a 'garden party' (basically a glorified reception). I got to see a few familiar faces from my graduating class, though some seemed happier to see me than others. I was also able to say hello to a few of my old teachers. Walking around at least seemed to improve my mood a bit, so I'm grateful for that.

Saturday, June 1, 2002

Vacation, Part II

I got back to California last night. However, this doesn't mean I'll be on the internet much; while my mom has a DSL connection on her machine, she doesn't want me using it, and I am stuck with a 28K connection from the main phone line. As you can imagine, this is quite a step back from my connection in college.

As I mentioned before, I met Nicole on Monday; we went to Sea World and had lunch at the Boardwalk resort hotel in Disney World. At around 5:30, she dropped me off at Epcot so I could meet my parents for dinner reservations. I spent the rest of the evening with my family at the park.

The next day, we headed to the Magic Kingdom. The combination of heat and crowds exhausted me; fortunately, we got back in the late afternoon and had a long break while my dad did some business-related stuff. That evening, my sister and I went to MGM Studios. Though we only had an hour, we were able to go on both of the roller coasters there.

We spent the next day at MGM, though we did try to spend some time at the Magic Kingdom (we only had time to go on one ride before our dinner reservations). Mom, Chrissie and I later headed back to MGM.

On our final day of vacation, we went to Epcot, and all four of us stayed until the park closed. The next morning, we packed, shipped superfluous stuff, and flew back to Los Angeles.

I've been feeling a bit down since I've gotten back. I think I'm mostly worried about what I'm going to be doing for the next few months. It's hard to imagine it, and I just hope I'll end up in a good (or at least semi-good) spot.