Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Reaching the Finish Line

I've only got one class (Civil Procedure) to go before the end of the semester! Of course, then I have exams, but that's something else altogether.

Yesterday I went to Santa Monica snd saw Punch-Drunk Love. I enjoyed it; strangely enough, it was the first P.T. Anderson or Adam Sandler movie I've seen (yes, I've managed to avoid Sandler movies thus far). Tonight, I'm going over to USC, where I'll be watching The Birds with Chrissie.

I really want to do well on my exams; I will have to really concentrate on studying this weekend. Strangely enough, I'm not as worried about content as I am about format and organization. Law school papers demand slightly different things, and I want to make sure that I can fit those demands. It seems like you have to spell things out much more obviously here.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 7, 2002

Take a Sad Song and Make It Better

I went with Chrissie to the Hitchcock class; of course, LA traffic being what it is, we missed the screening (of Psycho), but we did get to see the Q&A session with Patricia Hitchcock, which was interesting (and we even got free watches).

Sadly, I spent most of today in a state of depression. Sometimes it's hard to draw the line between objective, necessary self-criticism and the brooding and self-loathing of depression; by the time you recognize what's going on, you're already so mired in the negative feelings that it's hard to force yourself out of it. It was largely a wasted day, since I felt physically couldn't manage to get much done at all. I am starting to feel better, so hopefully it will lift and I will be more productive. I really need the energy to get my work done right now.

Wednesday, November 6, 2002


Class has reached a bit of a lull, though things are about to pick up, since there will be an open memo assignment. A lot of classes have had to be moved around because of professor trips and the like; I'm not complaining, since it's nice to be able to disregard a class every once in a while. I did end up finishing that nightmarish citation assignment. Predictably, it was done very late at night when I couldn't procrastinate any more.

On Monday, Chrissie came over; we watched It Happened One Night (for her class) and went out to dinner. I enjoyed the movie, and I personally think Clark Gable was better in this than Gone With the Wind (though I've never been particularly fond of epics like GWTW). We had fun, and might try to get together tonight for her Hitchcock class.

I was able to spend most of last night just relaxing. I saw An American in Paris for the first time. The Gershwin music was great, and Gene Kelly is so good at musicals; you can tell from his smile and the way he's dancing that he's really enjoying himself. I never really liked the song "S'Wonderful" before, but the way it was performed (along with the context) really made it a highlight.

Friday, November 1, 2002

Pumpkin Day

Yesterday was pretty laid back; our Torts professor even brought his nephew and dog into class as part of the festivities. I did what little reading I had to do for today and watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas" before going out to 3rd street for Halloween. I ended up not doing very much, since other people weren't really up to doing anything. I wanted to do something, since I had bought a costume (though I'll probably just use it next year); I had an okay time, but I am really not much of a party person.

It's so good to have a working keyboard again (albeit a somewhat bulky one); typing entries/emails/etc. was such a pain when I had to delete characters all the time.

In other news, there is a citation project that I have to do for Legal Research. it looks absolutely miserable, but I know that I have to do it tonight and get it out of the way. Blue book, here I come... ::grumbles::