Saturday, December 28, 2002


Here is what has been going on lately:

On Tuesday (aka Christmas Eve), my family and I went to see Scorsese's Gangs of New York with Jordana. Later, we had dinner at home, and Chrissie and I sat through our traditional viewing of The Muppet Christmas Carol.

Christmas was fun; I got a lot of things that I wanted, including several DVDs, some books, a copy of Flash, and lots of other goodies. After our family opened our presents back home, we went to my grandparents' home. My sister and I spent a lot of our time with our two year old cousins, which was a lot of fun.

On the 26th, I accompanied my sister to the hospital (so she wouldn't die of boredom in the waiting room) and salon before we went with my parents to see Catch Me If You Can. On Friday, we went out to Woodland Hills to see Chicago. Later, my sister and I went to Borders for some after-Christmas shopping. We also tried to set up a DVD player (which my parents bought in September), but it seems to be having some problems with the picture.

I haven't been doing anything of interest today, but hopefully that will change.

Monday, December 23, 2002

Christmas Eve Eve

I remember getting all hyped for the holidays when I was younger; I used to look forward to Christmas all December. Now, it hardly feels like the holidays are here, and nobody's even taken the trouble to decorate the tree yet. I think part of it has to do with school, since holiday celebrations are hyped a lot more when you're in elementary school and junior high, but a large part of it is just my growing older and having changed. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that things are more low-key, and in many ways it's better... it's just odd to reflect on.


On Saturday night, I went with Chrissie and Jordana to see "El Crimen De Padre Amaro", the controversial Mexican film. Sunday was pretty sedate, and nothing of interest really happened. Today, Chrissie and I did some last minute shopping at the local mall. Naturally, it was a zoo, and I got back completely exhausted; I suppose that, even if I am in denial about the holidays, those mall crowds should convince me that 'it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'...

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I am Cold

Let's see...

On Wednesday, I went to court to hear my dad give oral arguments (he had asked me to go earlier). I was a bit late, as I'm not a morning person and I hadn't really brought anything nice to wear over vacation and was desperately borrowing from mom. However, there were several appellate cases being argued and my dad's was the last one, so I didn't miss his argument. It was fairly interesting to hear some of the concepts that I've covered in new cases and contexts. Once I drove back, I did a few holiday chores before going back home.

On Friday, Chrissie and I went to Marlborough's WinterFest (for the uninformed, Marlborough is my high school). I hardly knew any of the current students (the current seniors were seventh graders when I graduated), but I ran into a few alumna and teachers. After that, we drove over to Candy Cane Lane (a street where the residents put up tons of elaborate holiday displays) before going to the Nortridge mall to search for holiday gifts.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002


Well, here's what's been going on in the weeks since I've updated.

I had my exams, of course. I was pretty stressed out the whole time, since law school exams are a bit different than those I am used to from both high school and college. Also, I can't have any idea how I'll do, since exams are graded on a curve based on other students' responses; when there's (understandable) familial pressure to keep up my scholarship, it's worrisome and stressful not to have much control or knowledge about these things.

I got my computer back yesterday, but they weren't able to fix the sound (apparently, it's a problem with the motherboard). Fortunately, my mom and dad are willing to consider the possibility of my getting a new computer. I've had this one for nearly five years, so I really could use a newer model.

Today, I went over to USC, where I picked up some things of Chrissie's; she didn't have time since she would be going to the airport later (she's flying to Atlanta in order to shoot a video). After putting everything away, we picked up Matt (her boyfriend) and had a late lunch together before Chrissie got ready to leave for the airport.

...and that's it.