Thursday, February 20, 2003

Professors Say The Darndest Things

A side advantage of having records of the lectures is that I can remember some of the amusing things professors have said. Here are a few quotes:

Who are the arbitrators, after all? These are not folks that have been appointed through some process to be a judge or elected by the citizenry to be a judge. These are folks who have said, “I’d like to be an arbitrator. Can I do that? I’d like to be paid to sit and listen to other people’s problems and tell them what they can do with it. Can I sign up for that job?” And someone says, “Sure, yeah, you can sign up. You have a J.D. …and a pulse.”
- Civil Procedure

Now, again, we’re going to come back to this at the end of the year. The last thing we do is going to be remedies, and so I will bring this up again. This is just a highlight; it’s a foreshadowing. This class is just a giant novel, and I like to foreshadow, and I also like to hearken back to things that you attempted to learn last semester but you have forgotten in a horrible purge of everything that happened in your first semester of law school. I like to bring that up for dramatic effect. Heightened tension. Anyway, other questions?
- Contracts

Regarding Burton’s theory (about good faith performance and recaptured opportunities):
Make an analogy to romance… you’re a free agent out there, but once you get engaged and married, well, you have foregone opportunities, right? And so, if you act to recapture those opportunities, that’s bad faith.
- Contracts

Almost There

Today started with a fun and exciting 'Citation Test' in Legal Research. It wasn't bad, but most people were pretty pressed for time. Fortunately, I was able to finish and skim it over, but every second counted. In any case, it only counts for 10% of our grades.

The microphone is working out pretty well and I have been able to get good mp3 files of lectures, though I'd ideally like to find a way to make the sound files louder. I'm hoping the recordings will prove useful later on.

After classes, I drove over to the oral surgeon for a follow-up appointment. While traffic was bad, and I wasn't able to use Malibu canyon, I was able to get to the appointment on time. It seems that I'm healing pretty well, which, of course, is a good thing.

I'm just glad I've got only one class before the weekend comes; after last weekend's surgery and recovery, I'd like to have a legitimate weekend.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Progress Report

Today was pretty long and busy. Fortunately, I have been recovering despite the strain of classes. The swelling in my cheeks is almost completely gone (partially thanks to my constant and nearly obsessive use of warm washcloths to bring the swelling down), and my teeth are hurthing less than they had. It still hurts when I open my mouth wide, but I am at least approaching normalcy.

A few days ago, I ordered a small microphone for my computer, and it arrived today. I'm hoping that I can use recordings of lectures as study aids and supplements for my notes; if something is unclear from my notes, it'll be nice to have the original source to refer to. It might not work out, but I figure it's at least worth a shot.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Dentex Sophiatem (Witness My Utter Lack of Latin Knowledge)

As expected, Chrissie came over on Thursday night. We had pizza and chatted before I finished up with the paper. Chrissie also wanted to make a mix CD as a Valentine's Day gift, so I helped her put one together on my computer.

Fortunately, my morning class ended early, so we weren't rushed on the way to the appointment. We actually ended up waiting quite a bit, since the person before us took longer than expected, and it almost got to the point where Chrissie would have had to leave and have mom pick me up in her place.

Though I was (surprisingly) not too nervous about the operation itself, but I was a bit apprehensive about being anesthetized because of some casebook horror stories. The doctors placed oxygen and heart monitors on me before giving me the shot. I was out after a few seconds, and the operation was over by the time I woke up. The oral surgeon walked me from the operating room to a bed before getting my sister. Though I was still a little woozy, and hardly able to talk because my lower lip and tongue were still numb, I was able to schedule a follow-up meeting. He also showed me the removed wisdom teeth; the two lower ones had to be separated during the operation, but the other two were whole. I was quickly carted out back, where my sister's car was waiting.

My sister drove me home, and, as could be expected, I have been bedridden for most of the weekend. Fortunately, my mom was around to take care of me, so I could concentrate my energies on getting enough rest. I have been slowly but surely healing, though my jaw still hurts a bit and my cheeks are pretty swollen. At least I'm in good enough shape that I won't have to miss classes. If nothing else, the worst is over with, and I won't have to worry about my wisdom teeth again.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

At the Finish Line

Wednesday was pleasant; our Criminal Procedure professor cancelled the afternoon class, so I was done by 9:00. I spent a lot of the day sitting in bed and reading while it rained, which was relaxing. I was also able to work with my roommate and a neighbor on a nongraded but mandatory 'discovery project' for class.

I still have my misgivings about my partner, but the situation is becoming a bit more manageable than it seemed to be earlier this week. I prepared a draft for Tuesday; it included all of the 'group portion' in addition to my own section. It's sort of annoying to do more work than is expected, but 'if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself', especially when working with someone who has shown himself to be unreliable. I went to the TA meeting later that afternoon, and he did show up (though he didn't have anything to present). We were able to speak after the meeting, and he seemed pretty confident that he could get his portion in on time and we could turn the paper in early. However, he didn't seem to be very contrite about my having to do all of the group portions.

We had our second and final meeting today. The TA was running a bit late, but he was late anyway, so it didn't make a difference; he came shortly after I began speaking to the TA. I think he must have been delayed (in part at least) because he was smoking; I noticed a faint smell of smoke when he came over to discuss his portion (yes, he finally wrote something). Anyway, I feel pretty confident about the sections I worked on, and he assured me that he would be done fairly early in the evening, so this ordeal should work out well enough.

Chrissie will be coming over tonight; she's staying over so she can take me to the appointment without having to get in traffic on the way to my place. It should be fun, and we may get to watch a movie or two if I'm not too swamped.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 9, 2003


This morning was pretty leisurely; I did a little bit of research, but I didn't have to worry about any of Monday's reading. I actually overdid it on the document search, but that's better than not doing enough, right?

After dinner, I called my partner and left a message so we could meet half an hour before the initial meeting with the professor. He didn't come, so I had to meet with her alone. I suppose that meant I got extra time on my half of the project, but it was still frustrating. When I got back, I got a call from his roommate saying that his car had broken down, which is feasilbe enough (though he lives fairly close by). Hoawever, there have already been so many valid but unusual excuses that its becoming something of a 'boy who cried wolf' situation.


Today felt like a wasted day, even though I did get some work done. I tried to meet the guy this morning, and, lo and behold, he couldn't make it. We rescheduled for late in the afternoon; in the interim, I was able to go and get the prescriptions I needed for Friday's oral surgery and do some grocery shopping. I felt sort of angry and frustrated at the ordeal, so that prevented me from getting serious work done early in the day.

I was finally able to meet the guy at around 4:30 or 5, though we didn't do much except split up the tasks. Later, I took a nap and went out for ice cream with some people before doing my reading for Monday. With the reading out of the way, I can concentrate my energy on the memo research tomorrow.

Friday, February 7, 2003

What Happened Today (Yes, I Am Original)

I've been having problems meeting with my Points and Authorities partner, since the guy I was assigned to work with is someone I don't know at all. We tried to meet this afternoon, but it didn't work out; I came slightly early, he came late (shorty before I left after waiting for half an hour), and he forgot what I looked like (all I knew was that he said he'd wear a black hat, but that fit several guys). I was sort of upset, but we finally worked things out and should be meeting tomorrow morning. Sigh... these group things are almost always more trouble than they're worth.

In other news, my aunt has an idea for a children's story and she wanted me to illustrate it; it should be a fun opportunity, so I'll have to see how it develops.

Thursday, February 6, 2003

That's the Tooth

In legal research, we had fake 'oral arguments,' in which four of the students were asked in advance to participate. It was pretty fun, and a good way to put the tired fact pattern we've been using since November to rest. I also learned that I would need to get a suit before everyone does their appellate oral arguments, which is sort of annoying.

After that, I had classes, though I did use the long break period to drive down to Santa Monica and do Property reading. Immediately after class, I drove over to my preliminary consultation with the oral surgeon (I am getting my wisdom teeth removed on the 14th) before coming back to my room. I'm going to need to be very organized in the next few days, since I don't want to fall behind and I know that I'll be out of it for at least a day or two.

Weird detail of the evening: As I was driving back home, I noticed a guy walking his... goat. That's certainly something you don't see everyday...

Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Cough, Cough

I've been feeling a bit under the weather as of late; in addition to the routine sore throat problem, my eyes keep feeling strained and I am getting tired more easily. I'm also feeling sore, and had terrible back pains a few days ago. The only thing I can do right now is try and take care of myself and wait for things to get better. I feel better than I did yesterday, but I'm still a little worried.

I started reading Don Quixote the other day. One of the interesting things about Quixote is that, while it's famous as a world classic, I think it exists more as a conceit than a literary work these days (though maybe this is different in Spanish-speaking cultures), being altered and romanticized to the extent that the novel and people's conceptions of it are very different creatures. I guess that's true of most works, especially the most famous ones, but I think it would be interesting to take a good look at the original. Yes, I'm a pretentious dork...

Other than that, the day has been fairly ordinary. I had an extra Torts session today (because tomorrow's class had to be canceled), which made things a bit exhausting. At least I'll get some extra break time tomorrow. I was also able to relax a bit, and watched Annie Hall before finishing with my reading.