Saturday, August 30, 2003

Visiting Friends

I went to my 9:10 class this morning, but it had been canceled, so I didn't have any school today.

After working on case summaries, I drove home to pick up a few things. I headed back to my room for a brief period before I got back in my car to visit my friend Natasha. We first went to dinner in Westwood, where we swapped photos of our summer trips (she went to Northern California). Later, we went to a club to hear some music; Natasha knew the base player from the featured group.

We spent the rest of the time basically hanging out. We went downstairs to go skating, with her trying out brand new skates and me using a pair that was slightly big for her feet but the right size for me. I hadn't skated in a long time (and I've never used in-line skates before), but I had a fun time. Natasha even gave me the skates to keep, so I may be able to go skating once I can buy the safety equipment. We also did a few random things like drawing and singing, plus we were able to reminisce a little (we even got out a few old junior high yearbooks).

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

I Need Sleep

I woke up today feeling tired and a bit under the weather, but I was able to get through the day despite that. I did take a 20 minute afternoon nap, which helped me a little bit. I had my first NAALJ (Admin. Law Journal) meeting later that afternoon; basically, it was a way for new members to meet the staff and get copies of the schedule and subcheck assignments.

The neighbors are still being annoying; this is the third day that they've been up late talking, and it's clear that they're habitually having friends over as well. I haven't the faintest clue as to how these people get any studying done, since their door is almost always open and they are constantly entertaining other people. I hate to do this, but I think I'm going to have to go to the RA and complain. The constant noise is seriously making it difficult for me to concentrate on my reading, which means I don't really get much done until they've quieted down late in the evening. When I have morning classes every day of the week, it's just not healthy for me to get to bed late and operate on little sleep.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


After my first class of the morning, I met with my professor to further discuss what I would be doing as research assistant. After the meeting, I turned in some papers to the student accounts center so that I could get paid (at the rate of $10/hr) for my work.

Later, I met Amanda for lunch at a Malibu restaurant, where I shared my trip photos and where we chatted about how things had been lately.

I didn't really get down to work until early in the evening; instead, I ended up killing time. I'm thinking that it might help if I started taking afternoon naps, since I find it easier to concentrate at night, and I'm not motivated or energetic in the afternoons. It could be more efficient, since it'll allow me to have more rest and have energy during times when I'm ready to make use of it.

I eventually did get down to reading, though my studying was interrupted by the fairly loud conversation of my neighbors. This is the second day in a row that I've noticed the noise, and I'm hoping that the problem goes away once they feel the pressure of classes; it worries me that this may become a semi-permanent problem. The noise isn't really noticeable in my bedroom, but I prefer to study in the living room, as there aren't as many distractions (i.e. my computer). And, while I could always go to the library, it's a bit of a hassle, and I've never found the library to be a good study space.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Wireless Woes

Since Wednesday, my wireless and ethernet connections have been pretty scattered, and getting on the internet has become pretty tricky except when I'm using the library computers. And, since I generally don't use school computers unless I'm studying or checking email, I haven't been able to update much.

Things have been okay, though I am looking forward to the weekend and catching up on my sleep. Roommate #3 moved in Wednesday afternoon, and roommate #2 is moving to another part of campus so she can be with other students in the dispute resolution program. I've also had a few annoying surprises which have frustrated me a bit.

The internet thing has naturally been bothering me. I've done my best to fix the problem; I spent part of last night running a virus program (the Blaster virus has hit the campus). I also went down to the undergraduate campus to see what the problem was, but the internet connections are fine over there. I've finally been able to find a few classrooms where the connection is decent, so I can use my laptop there if a class isn't being held. Still, it's inconvenient when I'm used to having the internet in my room, and I hope that the problem is dealt with soon.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Classes Begin

Well, today is the first day of classes. I was able to wake up early and drive down for some coffee before my first class of the day, at 9:10. Immediately before the class, I added the Admin. Law journal and dropped another class so that I could add it. I briefly considered adding a 2 unit course (which would bring me up to a grand total of 16 units), but the course I liked had an exam time that conflicted with another course, and I already have a full plate, especially if I'm going to pursue legal work outside of class and the journal. I have a meeting for the journal at 4:30, but until then I'm free to do what I'd like. I'm hoping to clean up and get some reading done, though I will probably go at a more relaxed pace so I don't burn myself out early on.

Here is my schedule. The journal hasn't decided on a permanent meeting time, but I'm hoping for something other than a Monday or Friday.
9:10-10:10 - Corporations
8:00-9:30 - Evidence
10:20-11:50 - Admin. Law
9:10-10:10 - Corporations
1:30-4:30 - Trial Practice
8:00-9:30 - Evidence
10:20-11:50 - Admin. Law
9:10-10:10 - Corporations

Moving In

At the moment, I am killing time while waiting for my laundry.

Classes start tomorrow, so I had to finish moving in today. I started out by going to the Coffee Bean with Chrissie, quickly going with her to her apartment, and getting some last-minute supplies at Office Depot.

I did most of my packing after lunch. After a few hours, I got everything put away and drove off to my apartment. When I finally got there, my key wasn't working, so I had to walk down the hill and up another hill (this campus is annoyingly pedestrian-unfriendly) to the housing center, where they 'fixed' my key. By the time I had trudged my way up the hill, my dad had come over to help me, and had already moved some of my stuff inside. However, my key still wasn't working, so I had to go back, this time in dad's car. The key problem was finally solved, but I was already pretty upset; moving tends to stress me out a little, and problems like that can become a focal point for that stress.

I also found one of my roommates' rooms empty; apparently she decided to live off campus instead, so her room will now go to someone on the wait list. Being somewhat stressed out and emotional from moving, I took it a little personally at first, though I didn't really see her for long enough to make a strong impression anyway. Later, I met with new roommate #2, who seemed friendly, and with my old roommate, who is also living with me this year.

There is still a lot of junk on the ground, since I haven't had the time and energy to put everything in order yet. I spent most of my time on the computer or watching TV (Turner Classic Movies had a Gene Kelly spotlight). I eventually did my grocery shopping for the next week or so, and also started on the aforementioned laundry.

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Fiesta Time

Well, I just learned that I am on the administrative law journal, which is a relief, though I will have to make some last-minute adjustments to my schedule.

Today, my family hosted a large family get-together at the house. Most of the morning was spent doing last minute-organization: buying decorations, cleaning tables, pumping up pool toys and floats (which gave me blisters), and basically making sure that everything was in order. People gradually came in after noon, and the party eventually grew to around 20 people.

While I passed my vacation photos around for the rest of the family at the beginning of the party, I spent most of my time with Chrissie, her friend Jordana, and the twins. After lunch (consisting of barbecued burgers and homemade ice cream), I played with the twins and relaxed in the pool.

I will have to move in tomorrow, since classes begin on Monday. I just hope I have time to do everything I need to do, or at least enough so that I can survive for a week before getting everything in order.

Friday, August 15, 2003

[Too Tired to Think Up a Proper Title]

This morning, I had my annual eye appointment. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but these visits always take a long time; I was there for about two hours.

After leaving the eye doctor, I went over to my grandparents' house. My cousins were visiting (along with my aunt), and my sister and I played with them for a while. My sister had to leave for coaching, but I stuck around. It was good to see my cousins again, especially since it's been months since I last saw them. We played several games, particularly hide-and-seek and a bit of roleplay where they were "Chrissie" and "Jenny" (Thomas tried to claim my photo album since it was "Jenny's", and both of them pretended to leave for England). It was fun, if a little exhausting, and I think the twins had a good time.

After they left, I stayed with my grandparents for the rest of the day. Once the twins had left and things were quieter, I was able to share my photos from the trip with them. Later, we went to dinner and relaxed around the house a bit before I headed back home.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Una Libra Del Pavo

I started out my day by going dress shopping with Chrissie in Santa Monica. Although we looked in several stores, we didn't really find anything that we liked. In any case, we had a fun time.

After I left Chrissie, I went over to the El Cholo in Santa Monica, where I met up with Reena, who I've only seen once since I graduated from Marlborough back in 1998. We were able to catch up over lunch; I showed her my vacation photos, and she talked about New York and Juilliard. After lunch, we walked over to a local movie theater and got our tickets for Whale Rider. Since the movie wasn't starting for a while, we went to the nearby Coffee Bean and hung out there in the meantime. After chatting a bit, we walked back to the theater and saw the movie; it was a good movie, and I thought the girl playing the lead character did especially well. Once we got out of the movie, we spent some time on the Third Street Promenade (and went to yet another Coffee Bean) before going our separate ways.

Anyway, it was good to see Reena, and I hope that she had a good time as well!

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I Haiku, Do You?

I got an email from the professor; at this point he is choosing between me and one other person for the research assistant position, so I'll have to keep my fingers crossed.

I couldn't resist playing with the Livejournal haiku generator that has been going around. Since it's been using text from my UK trip, there have been a few pretty neat ones. Here's my favorite so far:
crowds can get pretty
big i had gatsby to keep
up any sort of broad


Though I got a late start, I finally loaded up my car and drove over to my dorm room. I've unpacked a few of my larger things and gotten my laptop all set up (obviously). I've still got a few things to get out of the car, but I'll soon be ready to drive back home.

There's still a lot to clear out of my room between now and Sunday, but at least I've gotten the bulkiest things taken care of. It'll also be nice to have the extra space in my room; since I haven't been living at home for a long enough time to bother organizing, all my stuff from school has been taking up space on my floor and making it impossible for me to walk around.

The heat has tired me out, and I'm having trouble motivating myself to finish unloading and drive back. Hopefully it won't be too long before I'm ready to go.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Back to School

I've been around Pepperdine doing a lot of 'chores' this afternoon.

I drove over to Malibu and had something to eat (if Jack in the Box and a mocha can be considered 'food') before going over to the campus. First, I met with a professor who I might be a research assistant for; I think I have a halfway decent shot, especially since it was his previous assistant who pointed me in that direction. He also gave my name to the Administrative Law journal, which is very good since I have wanted to be on a journal but didn't get the time to enter the write-on competition while I was in London.

While I was at the school, I got my parking permit, books, and room key. I dropped my books off in my room (which is, incidentally, the same one I had last year), wrote a note for my roommates, and left. I should be able to move a few things in tomorrow, and I'm hoping to be completely ready to go before school starts on Monday. Of course, these things often take longer than expected...

My Weekend and Another Interview

I've now got less than a week before school starts up. I'm not dreading it too much; it's been fairly dull out here and it will be nice for me to start doing a few more constructive things. Plus, I think it's difficult to adjust to living at home during times when I'm not at school, since I and other family members have grown used to having our own space. It sort of reawakens the old 'high school' dynamic, which is naturally a bit odd.

I didn't do much on Friday, though I finally took myself to see Bend it Like Beckham in the evening. I had been wanting to see it for a while, and it was a fun, uplifting movie. The next day, I went on a family outing to LACMA, where we went through the Modigliani and Pushkin Museum exhibitions. On Sunday, my dad took me (my sister was busy coaching and couldn't join us) to a "50's return" fundraiser concert at the local church. A few groups from the 50's, including the Coasters, the Shirelles, and the Drifters, performed, along with the final surprise guest, "Elvis" (though personally I think it's kind of cheesy to have an Elvis impersonator share the stage with 'authentic' 50's performers).

Today, I picked up the last of my London packages from the post office before spending some of the afternoon in Santa Monica. I mostly browsed, though I was able to get an oil paint set at a discounted price of $20 (the outside of the box was a bit damaged, but the paints and brushes weren't, and that's what matters) and buy a few DVDs using a gift card I got for my birthday. I've also started reading Tom Jones.

Thursday, August 7, 2003

An Interview from Reena

Interview courtesy of Reena:
1. If you were a professional cartoonist for a newspaper, what would your weekly strip be about?
If I wanted to do something right now, I'd probably do something vaguely autobiographical, since it's best to 'write what you know' and there aren't many comics about girls or women that aren't centered around the stereotypical boys, clothing, and diet themes. Of course, while I could use myself, I'd probably have to invent or combine the other characters so I could have enough flexibility without annoying real-life friends. I think the title 'Penny, the Graduate Student who Lives in Los Angeles Whilst Driving a Broken Down Car' is catchy, don't you?


My plans for tonight fell through, so I've been feeling a bit restless for most of the day.

Yesterday, I went with Chrissie and a friend of hers to lunch and a screening of the Freaky Friday remake. After getting some coffee late that morning, we drove to the house where she would be coaching. Unfortunately, my cold was still lingering a little and there was an infant in the house, so I had to wait in the car for an hour to prevent her from catching it. It wasn't too bad, since I had Gatsby to keep me entertained. After she had finished, we drove over to Westwood and met the friend for a speedy lunch before watching the movie. The movie was pretty good (especially considering what it was), and Jamie Lee Curtis seemed to have fun in her role. Once the movie was over, we chatted in the parking lot before Chrissie and I went home.

Today has been fairly uninteresting, though I did drive around with Chrissie for lunch and coffee. I'm just hoping things will pick up next week, or at least once school starts on the 18th.

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Interview etc.

An interview from Allison:
1) If you had to choose between your own death and the death of a very close friend/family member, which would you choose?
I think it would depend on who the close friend/family member was; I'd have to weigh the missed opportunities and losses on either side. If it were 50/50, I'd probably choose to live.

2) What's your favorite color?
I tend to like blues and aquas a lot, though I'm also fond of greens, and I'm starting to like dark reds as well. I usually prefer the cool colors.

3) If there was one song you had to listen to all your life, what would it be?
I'd probably choose something classical, since modern songs are shorter and more repetitive. I think II would go with either Mozart's 'Jupiter' Symphony or Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto no. 1 in B flat minor (see this entry for details).

4) Don't you wish you were at Allison's house right now?
Doesn't everyone?

5) Is there anything that you've done that you would go back in time to erase? (If it's that bad, saying what it is should be optional, so it is)
I would go back and try to improve my organizational skills (though I think laziness would still get in the way, so I don't know if that would change much). I don't have anything in particular that I can think to erase, though I'm sure there's something that I would like to change.