Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Long Time, No Write

On Friday night, I went to the house in Northridge to help Chrisse with the filming of her next student production. It went pretty quickly, even though there were quite a few people involved and I was a little bit tired.

I was supposed to see Brother Bear at the El Capitan with the twins, but my tire was flat, so I couldn't make it. I had to wait around for the tow truck to fit the temporary tire on my car, drive down to the closest gas station, and rent a car for the weekend while a new tire was ordered. I was disappointed, and I know that the twins were sad that I couldn't come, but I'm going to try and meet with them later on.

On Sunday, I drove to USC and helped Chrissie's friend Laura with her student mockumentary. It was fun, and there was naturally a lot of improv from the cast members.

As I'm a Moot Court Board member, I've been looking at participants' briefs for the upcoming entertainment law competition. I was assigned to look at the citation form, which isn't the most engaging thing; however, extracurricular assignments like this and journal subchecks are good for helping me develop a 'sixth sense' about Bluebook form, and that should help me in the future.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Too Tired For Titles

I think my medicine is doing its job, as my ears no longer feel clogged. The medicine is making my throat feel dry, but I can live with that until I'm better.

On Wednesday, I had a lunchtime NAALJ meeting as well as a cross examination exercise for trial practice. The cross examination was actually a bit of an unpleasant experience. The guy I was up against used the somewhat underhanded technique of avoiding all my major issues when he direct examination, and then raising an objection if I tried to follow any line of questioning that he hadn't covered. I did the best I could to recover the bits of information that I could, but I couldn't really discuss my main points or conduct a complete cross examination. I felt pretty shaken by the end. I don't think it'll affect my performance in the class, since I did what I could with an unusual situation, but it was still frustrating.

This afternoon, I had the on-campus interview. I think it went well, though you never can tell. I found out that the 'insurance firm' was actually more focused on aviation law (including legal issues relating to plane crashes), so I would get opportunities to travel if I did accept an offer from them.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening working on a subcheck for the journal, though I was interrupted by a fire drill.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Weekly Highlights

I had my Corporations midterm on Wednesday. The stakes were low, as it only counts toward a student's final grade if it helps them; one person even left five minutes into the exam. I felt fairly confident about the test, as the professor made sure to review subjects ard prepare us. I also had to give a direct examination for Trial Practice; I thought it went well, and was happier with it than I was with either my opening or closing argument.

Classes were cancelled on Friday because of a school conference, so I had the day off. Later that evening, I went with Chrissie and her roommate Jenny to dinner before meeting another group for a screening of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which, while not exactly my kind of movie, was well done for what it was.

Today, I learned that I have another on-campus interview, this time for an insurance law firm. The interview is on Thursday, so I have to be sure to prepare my writing sample and get ready for the interview itself.

The following is a semi-amusing excerpt from my Admin. Law reading:
"Hoctor dealt in exotic cats, including three lions, two tigers, and seven ligers (a liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger), six cougars, and two snow leopards (but no tigons)."

I don't think I've ever heard about 'ligers' before, and it sounds like something from a children's story, so I went ahead and did a little research.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003


About a week ago, I got a note from one of the London Program heads saying that I hadn't paid the fees for a doctor's appointment. Naturally, I contacted them as soon as I could; I told the secretary that I remembered paying and that I would try to look for the receipt when I was at my parents' house. Anyway, I got this email today:

Dear Miss Weatherup,
Thank you so much for your e-mail of 9th October.

We have checked our records again and found (to our horror) that you did pay on the day (27th June 2003) with a Visa card.

Obviously the person who took your payment neglected to mark it as paid.

I am so sorry that we troubled you with this matter, and apologise for our mistake.

I'm just glad that things got sorted out without my having to search around for a receipt, and that the problem was their fault rather than mine.

Today's Corporations class was interesting. It was a 'stockholder meeting' that functioned more or less as a review session for the upcoming midterm and gave the hammier students an opportunity to act out a bit.

After class, I got a call from Chrissie. I helped her out by getting a CD she needed for her latest student film and was able to see a mostly completed version of that film as well.

Sunday, October 12, 2003


I've been a bit busy lately, so I haven't gotten around to updating. I've still got a lot to do tomorrow, and the next week will be pretty work-intensive.

My sleep habits have generally gotten better this week, and I'm hoping to keep it up. I think it's helpful to have the extra time in the mornings. Of course, it's difficult because I'm typically most productive late at night, but I should be able to figure other efficient ways to study.

On Wednesday, Chrissie came over to show me some footage from her latest student film project. However, she coudn't stay long, as I had a class shortly after she came.

Friday's Corporations class was more laid-back than usual, as it was largely review; the teacher even brought Krispy Kreme doughnuts to class. After class, I met with my "witness" for next Wednesday's Trial Practice class, where I'm conducting a direct examination. Later, I picked up Natasha and went to a "cast screening" of Chrissie's Murphy Colfax movie, which also included screenings of movies by Matt and Jeremy (aka 'Murphy').

In other news, I recently learned that I will be having a follow-up interview for the Riverside DA on November 7th! I still have to schedule the interview itself, keeping the (2+ hour) travel time in mind. Hopefully it will go well, since it seems like it would be a good experience with some interesting hands-on work; if I remember correctly, students even get to handle a misdemeanor trial over the course of the summer.

Sunday, October 5, 2003

Since I Last Posted (Yes, I Am Original)

I discovered that I have many more case summaries to do than I originally thought; due to a communications error (the prof. was sending emails to my deserted school email address, which I didn't know to check), I hadn't received the last few batches. Naturally, I did a couple batches as soon as I could so that I could start to catch up.

I also have an idea for the piece I'll eventually be writing for the NAALJ journal, which I approached my professor with. I've done a little preliminary research, just to make sure that there was some case law on the subject, and it looks like there's enough to make an interesting paper. I'm probably going to write about art in the administrative law context, and the issues that come up with NEA grants. I think that there's an interesting conflict, since art is inherently subjective and would seem difficult to regulate, and the topic brings up some issues that are unusual in the administrative law context, mainly First Amendment rights. I have to turn my topic in on Monday, so hopefully it will be well-received.

I had to give an opening statement for Trial Practice on Wednesday. I don't feel that great about it, though I don't feel absolutely horrible. I think I had a few problems because the person I was 'representing' was fairly reprehensible, even without considering the allegations.