Sunday, July 17, 2011

An Appful of Dollars

As I've mentioned previously, I am trying to be more conscious of my finances,and have enlisted my iPhone to assist me with this goal. I started out by creating a simple list of monthly expenses and by (finally) setting up an online banking account. Now, I am trying to become a little more sophisticated in my efforts.

I have started using Saver and AceBudget, a couple of apps which allow a user to input all expenses and see where the money is being spent each month.

Friday, July 15, 2011

State of the Blog

Since joining Google+, I've found myself gravitating toward some of Google's other services. I've joined Picasa in order to upload photos to my account. I've set up a Google voice number (because it has nice screening and blocking features, it is useful to have it as a semi-public number).

I've also set up a Blogger account.