Saturday, May 31, 2003

European Trip II

Hello again! As I promised, here's the (not so) long-awaited update:

Paris Trip

Day 3 - May 16th
In the morning, we had breakfast at Angelina's, which is near the Tuileries gardens. Their specialty was very rich hot chocolate (it tastes like a liquid chocolate bar), and I had their hot chocolate plus a chocolate croissant. After eating, Tiffany and I headed over to the Louvre. We started on the paintings, since that was what we were most interested in (so we wanted to save our energy). We also saw some Egyptian and Greek sculptures. Unfortunately, they had closed the Etruscan and Italian sculpture wings (they have to close portions of the museum each day because they lack the resources to keep the whole thing open), so I didn't get to see Michelangelo's Slaves. However, I did get to see most of what I wanted, from the big-ticket works to ones that were of more personal interest (particular paintings and artists I had studied). After a lunch break, we went back and saw the special Leonardo daVinci exhibit, which was interesting (particularly since I'm something of a daVinci fan). After going back to the room, I was drained enough by walking through the Louvre and from the remaining jet lag that I ended up taking a two hour nap. Once I woke up, we headed over to a local restaurant (Cafe Hugo) before attempting to go on a night bus tour (we were given the wrong time). After having desserts at a nearby restaurant on the Seine, we decided to walk back to the hotel (from the Louvre/Tuileries area to Marais), seeing the Hotel de Ville on the way back.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Cheerio from London

No, I did not drop off the face of the Earth. Don't expect to hear from me much, though... I don't have net access in my room, so I can only write from the school or an internet cafe. I've been coping with net withdrawl pretty well, but, naturally, it's not too hard when you're busy visiting sights.

Day 1 - May 13th/14th
I went over to help Chrissie move out before going to the airport. Unfortunately, there were long delays and the flight didn't depart until around 10:00 (rather than the original time of 5:40). I was able to get some sleep before the plane's arrival on the afternoon of the 14th. Unfortunately, because of the delay, our storage place had closed before Tiffany and I could get there, so we took the tube (lugging our heavy suitcases and bags along the way) to Victoria Station and went to store things at the station. Unfortunately, it was incredibly expensive (£5 per item per day, with 4 items and 10 days), so we took the suitcases to the hotel we were staying at. Luckily, the owner of the hotel let us store our stuff there for a fraction of the cost even though there wasn't a huge amount of space. With that stress out of our minds, we went out for fish and chips and got to bed...

Day 2 - May 15th
...though we didn't get much sleep. We had to take a 1:00 bus to get to the Luton airport for a 6:00 AM flight to Paris (which was cheap and sounded like a good idea when we weren't actually there). We got to out hotel early, and went to a local cafe for coffee and a cheese platter before officially checking in. This also gave us a chance to do some planning. After checking in, we went to the Orsay museum, and saw the 19th century paintings and sculptures there. I hadn't been to the museum before, so I really enjoyed viewing some familiar works firsthand). We later went back and had dinner at a Chinese restaurant in our area (the Marais district, which is centrally located without being too touristy).

To be continued...

Saturday, May 10, 2003

It's Over

This is my last post from my room; I'm almost completely packed up and am going to leave in a few minutes.

I had my last exam (Property) on Friday. After relaxing in my room a bit, I went over to the Malibu Inn, where there was an end-of-the-year celebration. However, since I was late, not many people were there and I left. I tried to watch <i>Vertigo</I>, but the DVD was so scratched up that I couldn't even watch the credits. I turned my rentals in and got an extra credit for another rental because of the <i>Vertigo</I> problem. I spent the rest of the evening on cleanup duty; each of us in the suite had to do a set of tasks to tidy up the apartment before leaving. I spent most of my time mopping up the floors, which took a lot of effort to even do decently.

Though the apartments are open until Sunday, just about everyone left today. I woke up late (because I was up late cleaning) and did some laundry before calling mom to help me take things back. After she left, I took a bit of a break and then continued to get my stuff together.

It's always a bit weird to clear one's dorm room. I think I'm still a bit in denial that the year has ended. However, I have enough to look forward to this summer that leaving the law school isn't too upsetting.

Sunday, May 4, 2003

Lazy Sundays

A year ago I was relaxing on Merion Green, getting sunburned in my white May Day dress while snacking on funnel cake and ice cream. Now, I've been away for Bryn Mawr for nearly a year, and, instead of celebrating, I'm somewhat unsuccessfully trying to focus my thoughts on the vagaries of Civil Procedure. It's very difficult to study at home sometimes, since it's too easy to give into the temptation to check my email once more, flip through a book that's lying around, or do some artwork. I'm going to head over to the coffee shop in a minute; hopefully it won't be too crowded and I'll be able to study.

The Countdown Begins

I did a little bit of work today. I was able to print out copies of my notes for the remaining classes; in the process, I discovered that the school's library has a quota on printouts (which I had exceeded), so I had to go home to finish the job. I later tried to do some studying in a coffeeshop, but it was too crowded for me to make too much progress.

I was also able to do some work on a project.

Well, it's little more than a week before I blow this popsicle stand (or something). I'm still a bit in denial, but of course I am looking forward to the trip and will do my best to keep notes.

Friday, May 2, 2003

Yet Again

I had my Criminal Procedure exam today; I felt pretty good about it, but it's one of the classes I felt more confident about this semester, so that's not a surprise. Again, I don't want to hazard a guess, so I'll have to wait and see.

I went down to Santa Monica to get a few things and to relax a little bit. As I got onto the Pacific Coast Highway, my car stalled yet again. Fortunately, I was in the far right lane this time, and I didn't get hurt, though I did have to deal with the embarrassment of having a fleet of cars going around me, plus I had some trouble getting started again (since I was stuck behind another car and had to wait until someone was nice enough to let me through). Once I got back, I called up the guy from the dealership, who said that he could tweak things around a little bit to improve the car, but he really couldn't do much without taking the costly step of replacing the carburetor. I may go out for the repairs before I leave, but I'll have to mostly stay in the area until I finish exams. It's unfortunate, but there's not much I can do, at least in the next week or so.

When I got back, I took it easy, watching Crimes and Misdemeanors and more or less tried to relax. Hopefully I'll be able to focus on work tomorrow, as my two most feared exams (Civ. Pro. and Property) are coming up next week.

Thursday, May 1, 2003

Thor's Day

It's time to get out the freedom fries/toast and American flags, for today is Loyalty Day!

Anyway, I went down to USC to see Chrissie's scene, but the actors got caught in traffic and she had to reschedule with the teacher (he's been pretty strict with other students who've had problems, so she was relieved that he was willing to reschedule rather than give her a 0). I went back without seeing it, since I needed time back here to study. And now, surprise surprise, I'm back here.

Tomorrow is my Criminal Procedure exam; I'm not too worried about it since I feel comfortable with the basic concepts, but I've still got some studying to do.