Saturday, May 10, 2003

It's Over

This is my last post from my room; I'm almost completely packed up and am going to leave in a few minutes.

I had my last exam (Property) on Friday. After relaxing in my room a bit, I went over to the Malibu Inn, where there was an end-of-the-year celebration. However, since I was late, not many people were there and I left. I tried to watch <i>Vertigo</I>, but the DVD was so scratched up that I couldn't even watch the credits. I turned my rentals in and got an extra credit for another rental because of the <i>Vertigo</I> problem. I spent the rest of the evening on cleanup duty; each of us in the suite had to do a set of tasks to tidy up the apartment before leaving. I spent most of my time mopping up the floors, which took a lot of effort to even do decently.

Though the apartments are open until Sunday, just about everyone left today. I woke up late (because I was up late cleaning) and did some laundry before calling mom to help me take things back. After she left, I took a bit of a break and then continued to get my stuff together.

It's always a bit weird to clear one's dorm room. I think I'm still a bit in denial that the year has ended. However, I have enough to look forward to this summer that leaving the law school isn't too upsetting.

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