Thursday, December 11, 2003

Winding Down

The last couple of weeks have been hectic, which is why I haven't written anything here for a while.

Thanksgiving was fun; mom, Chrissie, Laura, and I went to see my mom's parents, my aunt, my uncle, and the twins. We have a little tradition of going to the restaurant at Knott's for Thanksgiving, as nobody has to cook and we can walk around the craft fair later. After we had finished lunch and walked a bit, my aunt and uncle took the twins to the theme park while the rest of us headed back home.

I had my first exam (Administrative Law) the next Monday. After I had finished the exam, I met Chrissie in Laura in Westwood, where we had dinner before going to a jazz concert over at UCLA. My friend Natasha had a solo about halfway through the concert, and I went to see her soon after she had finished singing. Later, Chrissie, Laura, and I stopped and got ice cream. Since the premiere of The Last Samurai had finished while we were eating, we were able to people-watch a bit (Robert Downey Jr. apparently walked right past us, but I didn't really see him).

I had my next exam, in Corporations, on Thursday. On Friday evening, I met up with Tiffany; we went out to dinner and looked through photos of the UK trip. I drove home to Northridge after I had finished seeing her. The next morning, I went up north with the family for the day, so I didn't get back to my room until 9 or 10 that night.

On Sunday, I went to a review session for my Evidence class. My final was the next afternoon; it was the last exam, so the semester was officially over for me. I celebrated by meeting up with Chrissie and Matt to see The Station Agent in Santa Monica.

I haven't done much since then, though I was able to see Chrissie yesterday and was also able to get a large chunk of holiday shopping done. Even though I don't have any classes for a while, I still have a lot to do, so I'm hoping to stay on top of things over the break.

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