Saturday, February 14, 2004

"Be My Valentuna" - Sign on the Reel Inn in Malibu

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

I haven't been motivated to post much recently, but I have done quite a bit lately.

The final draft of my journal article was turned in on the fourth, so that was naturally a relief. The final version ended up being over forty pages long (double-spaced and with footnotes), which I am pretty sure is longer than any single paper I've written before. The next day, the NAALJ journal had a celebration meal at Duke's in Malibu, which was pretty enjoyable.

I've been fairly productive recently, although I have been able to make some time for other things. I finally got around to seeing Vertigo, and I was able to see both City of God and A Mighty Wind on Friday. I've tried to be slightly more conscientious about my reading, but I've also got writing and subchecking to do, plus I'd like to do more research assistant work.

Today, I sent my car in to by worked on and picked up a rental; it was pretty late, so I was lucky to get it taken care of. Later in the afternoon, my sister came by; we watched part of the documentary Spellbound (which I had gotten her for Valentine's Day)before going to watch the filming of a student production on Zuma beach.

Now, I'm going back to Northridge; I am going to spend the night at my parents' house. I hope everyone had a fun V-Day!

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