Saturday, February 28, 2004


The last couple of weeks have been full of responsibilities, so naturally I've been a bit busy and stressed.

Last week, it took me an inordinate amount of time to finish checking participants' briefs for the Dalsimer competition. Since I was looking at the Blue Book citation format, my work on each individual brief was more involving, although I had fewer briefs to look at than people with simple assignments did.

Last Friday, I got a haircut. I had let my hair get to the point where it was downright unmanageable, so it was something that had to be done. My hair is still relatively long, but it's much easier to deal with now.

On Saturday, I went over to Loyola and made an appearance at the government jobs fair, staying long enough to ask some questions and pick up a few pamphlets. I'm really hoping that I can find some sort of summer job or internship using these contacts, and, though I've been swept up in my everyday class schedule lately, I'd like to try and focus on getting more resumes out.

I had two assignments due this week: a paper for my Education Law class (which ended up being 15 pages long) and a list of sources for my upcoming Federal Courts research paper. I also put together a powerpoint presentation for an oral report to go along with my Education Law paper. Naturally, on the night before my source list was due, the internet became unreliable because of a rainstorm, so I had to walk to the library and finish my research in the hour or so before it closed. I also had the responsibility to help oversee a round in Thursday's Dalsimer competition.

Fortunately, things are finally calming down, so I should have more time and breathing room soon. There will be a one-week vacation in a couple of weeks, and that should at the very least allow me to calm down a bit.

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