Sunday, September 10, 2006

Can't Believe It's September

Given the heat and the lack of a school structure, it doesn't feel like it's already September.

A few things have happened since I last wrote. I took the New York and New Jersey Bar Exams between July 25th and July 27th. The first two days of the exams took place in Albany, while the third day of the exam took place in Secaucus, a New Jersey suburb which is across the river from New York. The first day's exam consisted of five New York essays, 50 New York multiple choice questions, and a Multistate performance test. The second day consisted of 200 multiple choice questions dealing with general legal principles; this portion of the exam is graded in both states. The final day was comprised of seven New Jersey essays. I'm glad that I made the effort to take the exams, although I'm also glad that I won't have to worry as much about the outcome of these exams as I did for the California one; my career won't be "on hold" if I don't pass.

After the exam was over, I spent a weekend in New York City as a reward. I visited a few museums, including MOMA, the Frick, the Whitney, and the Met, walked through Central Park, and briefly visited Coney Island. I was also able to see the revival of Sweeney Todd (which has recently closed) and a performance of The Drowsy Chaperone. I had a fun time, although my blistered feet did not.

I spent most of August house-sitting while my family went to the UK. While I would have liked to travel, I needed to shift my focus to job hunting, and I think that Sunny appreciated having someone at home to take care of him.

When I have not been busy with other things, I have tried to take steps toward getting a job. I have updated my resume, gotten professional-looking resume paper and labels, and even ordered a set of personal business cards. I've also tried to take advantage of the extra time by getting my legal education credits out of the way. I attended 14 hours' worth of programs in early August, and, on the 15th, I will be going to a conference ("IP and the Internet") worth 7.5 hours of credit this week. Then, I will only need to get 3.5 more credit hours, including 3 more hours of legal ethics.

Additionally, I have decided to submit two pieces to the Bench and Bar Art Exhibit. Since my focus has been on my legal career for the last few years, I have neglected my interest in art, so this was a good excuse for me to put together a few pieces of art, and, as the competition consisted of other lawyers, I could draw and paint without feeling too much pressure about the results.

Finally, I'd like to say 'happy birthday' to my sister and 'happy anniversary' to my parents! My sister had her birthday on the 8th, and my parents' anniversary took place today (the 10th), so we celebrated both events by having dinner at Mexicali. Everyone had a fun time, even though our waiter had an annoying habit of referring to me as "sweetie." Chrissie will also be holding a birthday party on the night of the 15th, so that should be fun.

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