Friday, July 15, 2011

State of the Blog

Since joining Google+, I've found myself gravitating toward some of Google's other services. I've joined Picasa in order to upload photos to my account. I've set up a Google voice number (because it has nice screening and blocking features, it is useful to have it as a semi-public number).

I've also set up a Blogger account.

It is strange to think about, but I have been blogging, in one form or another, for nearly ten years; I joined Livejournal back in the fall off 2001, and kept updating it until I got my law firm job in 2007. Since then, I've written a few posts on Facebook Notes and, more recently, Tumblr.

However, I'm excited about trying out Blogger; Tumblr isn't really designed for longer posts, and Blogger seems a bit more accessible than Livejournal these days.

So, I'll see how it goes. I've started moving my old Livejournal, Notes, and Tumblr posts (at least the halfway interesting ones) to Blogger. It has been fun to take a trip down memory lane, and it is kind of nice to have a mirror version of the more significant posts.

Ultimately, I think I'll use the Blogger as my primary account, and use Tumblr when I want to share short observations, pictures, and videos. Since my new blogging app lets me post to multiple blogs at once, I'll try to crosspost new entries on my Livejournal as well, just in case anyone is still following.

This should be fun!

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