Tuesday, November 13, 2001


Today was sort of mixed. I went to class, turned in my paper, and did part of my math exam (it's unlimited time and open book/notes/etc.). Part of the exam dealt with making the bifurcation graph below.

Another part of my day consisted of searching for recommendations for my applications. I met with one professor, who said she might not be the best one to write the rec because she had only had me for one semester (though, sadly, most of my profs only had me for one semester). I then went back to the Provost's office to see if they could provide more help with professor two. They didn't do much, but they pointed me in the direction of a website that allowed me to find his number. I called, and he agreed to help me out, and even offered advice. I wasn't so lucky with professor three though; I finally got a reply to my email, but she said basically the same thing as professor one. So I've got two more people to pester before I can get this under control. ::sigh::

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