Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Insomnia Strikes Again

So much for getting extra sleep. Oh well; at least I'm in good shape as far as my reading is concerned. I just wish I hadn't been so tempted to procrastinate. I reaaly need to get a strict schedule together, especially if I don't want to get too sick.

Time management is something I'll really have to concentrate on in the coming weeks; after all, I will be finished with exams and be out of the country in less than two months' time. It's just too easy to dally and pretend that everything that needs to be done is in the distant future, particularly when television, computers, DVDs, and the like are so tempting.

In other news, I found the following article while surfing the net. I just wonder whether the Paris-themed hotel in Las Vegas is facing similar problems...

Disney's Epcot Center puts 'France,' 'Germany' on hiatus
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By Michael Clark

April 1, 2003 | ORLANDO (AP) -- It may be a small world after all, but it will soon be even smaller at Disney's Epcot Center theme park.

After careful deliberation, executives at the Orlando theme park have decided to temporarily close the World Showcase pavilions dedicated to France and Germany, citing growing animosity toward the countries' anti-war stance. Says Judson C. Green, President of Walt Disney Attractions, "Disney has always prided itself on reflecting the character and sentiments of middle America. When the country is so united in its support of the war in Iraq and so furious with the actions of France and Germany, it seemed insensitive for us to keep France and Germany open." Financial concerns also played a part in the decision. Not only has overall park attendance declined as wartime anxiety has increased, but sales of French and German products in the pavilions have also decreased dramatically as anti- French and German sentiment has grown.

However, while France and Germany will probably remain closed throughout the duration of the war, there are no current plans to permanently close or overhaul the pavilions. "Disney has put a great deal of effort into all of its World Showcase pavilions, taking meticulous care to evoke the spirit of the countries represented, including France and Germany. We are therefore very reluctant to eliminate any pavilion unless we feel it is absolutely necessary," says Green.

Epcot Center, which has been touted as "Disney's version of a World's Fair," opened its gates in 1982. This is the first time that a pavilion has been closed for a prolonged period of time or for non-technical reasons.

April Fools!

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