Sunday, February 1, 2004


I have been a bit under the weather. I woke up with a sore throat on Friday, and that evolved into a stuffy nose and ear infection by Sunday. Fortunately, I was able to see a doctor this afternoon, and I am starting to feel better, but the cold has been an annoying distraction.

On Friday, I saw Master and Commander, so I've now seen all the Oscar-nominated films except for Seabiscuit.

I went to the wedding of a second cousin on Saturday. After driving over to Chrissie's apartment, the two of us drove over to the church, which was somewhere in the Riverside area. After arriving at the church (we got a little lost, as the church complex didn't look 'churchlike') and meeting up with mom and dad, we sat down and watched the ceremony. The rest of the afternoon was spent at the reception. I spent most of the time at the table with my immediate family, as well as my aunt, my uncle, and some other relatives. Eventually, we left, and I went out to dinner with Chrissie and Matt; I was also going to go to a "launch party" for a friend of Chrissie's who is starting a production studio, but I decided that it wouldn't be wise, as I needed to get over my cold.

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