Saturday, June 28, 1997

1997 Trip: Ancient Rome

Today we toured the ancient monuments, starting with the Coliseum, then the Forum, and finally finishing up with the Pantheon (which was nice, b/c it was indoors & cool, while other monuments were not). We went back to the hotel for a short rest. For dinner, we went to the "Cowboy" restaurant on the Spanish steps to reminisce (we went 5 years ago).

Friday, June 27, 1997

1997 Trip: Finishing Florence and a Roman Rendezvous

Hi again! Here's what happened:
  • Wednesday: First, we went to the Uffizi (1:30 wait) & saw the works there. However, lots of stuff was being restored & several rooms were closed. I was kinda disappointed b/c Verrochio's Baptism of Christ (which had an angel & background by the young Leonardo da Vinci) was being restored. However, lots of other interesting stuff was on display. We also saw the Cathedral & Cathedral museum. I was museumed out!
  • Thursday: We traveled to Rome. While trying to get on the train, Chrissie almost fell off backwards. On the train itself, there were lots of tunnels which hurt everyone's ears due to the pressure.
  • Friday: We saw the Vatican. While the line to get in was long, it moved quickly. Inside, it was far too crowded! It was nice to see Raphael's The School of Athens (I didn't know it was there - it kind of made up for disappointments at the Uffizi) and the Sistine Chapel & Michelangelo's Pietà were nice. After the Vatican, we relaxed in the hotel & I drew two figures copied from the Sistine Chapel book we got.

Tuesday, June 24, 1997

1997 Trip: Finally in Florence

Monday was a travel day, so there is not really anything to say except that Dad got us on the wrong train but it all worked out eventually.

Today, we skipped the Uffizi (there was a one hour wait) so we could go early tomorrow. Instead, we saw the Palazzo Vecchio, the Baptistry of St. John (Gates of Paradise), and the Academy Gallery (David). After 2:00, we napped at the hotel, had dinner, & saw fireworks.

Sunday, June 22, 1997

1997 Trip: Museums and Gondolas

Today was pretty busy. First, we went to the Accademia Museum, where we saw Venetian art dating from the Byzantine to the 1800s, including some stuff by Titian. Then we walked over to the Rialto Bridge (it should suffice to say it was a LONG walk) and to the hotel. On the way back, we went past a McDonald's (where I filled out a survey), a Disney Store (where Chrissie & I tried to get a CD in Italian but Dad said no), and a Picasso exhibit. Mom finally got that vase set she wanted (for only $180!!), we went on a gondola ride (before vase), and Chrissie & I drew in St. Mark's square. We played Scrabble (Chrissie -> Me -> Mom -> Dad) and I took a shower.

Saturday, June 21, 1997

1997 Trip: Venice and Art

Today we woke up on time! ( :) ) We had breakfast at the hotel and then went to mom & dad's room for a game of Scrabble. I was in 1st (due to "zot"), Mom was in 2nd, Chrissie in 3rd, and Dad (he's not very good at this) in 4th. Chrissie got a slew of bad letters & so she had trouble.

We then went to the art museum at St. Mark's Square (I forget the name) & saw some works. Chrissie & Mom particularly liked the shoes. They were very TALL platforms like this. -> [drawing omitted] A lot of the ancient and Renaissance stuff was nice; I especially liked the statue of Icarus and Daedalus (is that his name?) and the small bronzes, but I wasn't too fond of the innumerable Gothic Madonnas and the modern art (does it really have a point, or is it just some cynical artists pretending to do something meaningful?).

Then we went back to the hotel, and then to the Doge's palace. Though it was interesting, the ceilings were a bit too ornate for my taste (less is more, isn't it?). At the gift shop, I bought a book on glass animals, one of which was by Picasso.

We went to the hotel again, finished shopping, and went to San Stefano's for dinner. I then took a shower & got ready for bed.

Well, bye!!

Friday, June 20, 1997

1997 Trip: Jet Lag and Venice

Hi again! Here's basically what has happened since we left Rochester:

We spent an agonizing 8 hours flying to Milan. It was impossible to get to sleep b/c the seats were small & this led me to several fights w/Chrissie. On the train to Venice, all of us kept falling asleep and there was a general feeling of mental tiredness (while playing a game of railroad - Me: "Ostrich"; Dad: "Do I have a 'P' now?"). We quickly ate and got to bed at around 6:00. Chrissie & I woke up at around 1:00 & could not get back to bed. We kept ourselves entertained by watching Italian "Baywatch" & "VIP" (Entertainment Tonight with British accents).

Today we saw St. Mark's Cathedral (think mosaic), the Murano glass factory (we saw a man make a cat out of glass which he later used to light a cigarette), and walked around the less touristy areas, such as the Academia Bridge & the Campio San Stefano (where we ate & Chrissie & I drew). Finally we walked back to a flooded (the sewage had backed up) St. Mark's Square and to our hotel (the Concordia). We called gram & grandpa, wrote postcards, and finished catching up on our journals.


Wednesday, June 18, 1997

1997 Trip: Visiting Rochester

Hi there!! Sorry I haven't written, but I haven't had the time. Here's a synopsis of what has happened so far:
  1. We went on a tour of the Mayo clinic. Before the tour itself, we watched a dumb 70's film about Americans in France which we laughed through (Chrissie does a great imitation of the "pecan" part) & a dull one about the founding of the clinic itself. The tour was pretty nice and the older building has a classy style. Then we went to get Sean and went went over to the galleria (accessible through an elevated walkway), a nice Barnes & Noble, and the gallery which had Sean's artwork (medieval-style manuscripts). Sean left & we then saw the Rochester federal buildings and the nearby lake. We reunited for dinner at Henry Wellington's and, later, Baker's Square pies at Betsy & Sean's home.
  2. We went over to the Mall of America in Minneapolis, looked through the shops, went on some rides in "Camp Snoopy," went through "Underwater World," and ate at the "Rainforest Cafe." I learned not to go on the log ride, since, on the big drop, a huge wave went over the boat and straight onto me (I was in front, of course). At least I was set for "Underwater World." I would have preferred just getting sprayed, like on Splash Mountain, but oh well. In "UWW," a shark kept following dad overhead. We then walked around & had dinner.
  3. Today we had breakfast in the hotel & are getting ready for Venice.
That's pretty much it. Bye!!