Friday, June 27, 1997

1997 Trip: Finishing Florence and a Roman Rendezvous

Hi again! Here's what happened:
  • Wednesday: First, we went to the Uffizi (1:30 wait) & saw the works there. However, lots of stuff was being restored & several rooms were closed. I was kinda disappointed b/c Verrochio's Baptism of Christ (which had an angel & background by the young Leonardo da Vinci) was being restored. However, lots of other interesting stuff was on display. We also saw the Cathedral & Cathedral museum. I was museumed out!
  • Thursday: We traveled to Rome. While trying to get on the train, Chrissie almost fell off backwards. On the train itself, there were lots of tunnels which hurt everyone's ears due to the pressure.
  • Friday: We saw the Vatican. While the line to get in was long, it moved quickly. Inside, it was far too crowded! It was nice to see Raphael's The School of Athens (I didn't know it was there - it kind of made up for disappointments at the Uffizi) and the Sistine Chapel & Michelangelo's Pietà were nice. After the Vatican, we relaxed in the hotel & I drew two figures copied from the Sistine Chapel book we got.

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