Friday, June 20, 1997

1997 Trip: Jet Lag and Venice

Hi again! Here's basically what has happened since we left Rochester:

We spent an agonizing 8 hours flying to Milan. It was impossible to get to sleep b/c the seats were small & this led me to several fights w/Chrissie. On the train to Venice, all of us kept falling asleep and there was a general feeling of mental tiredness (while playing a game of railroad - Me: "Ostrich"; Dad: "Do I have a 'P' now?"). We quickly ate and got to bed at around 6:00. Chrissie & I woke up at around 1:00 & could not get back to bed. We kept ourselves entertained by watching Italian "Baywatch" & "VIP" (Entertainment Tonight with British accents).

Today we saw St. Mark's Cathedral (think mosaic), the Murano glass factory (we saw a man make a cat out of glass which he later used to light a cigarette), and walked around the less touristy areas, such as the Academia Bridge & the Campio San Stefano (where we ate & Chrissie & I drew). Finally we walked back to a flooded (the sewage had backed up) St. Mark's Square and to our hotel (the Concordia). We called gram & grandpa, wrote postcards, and finished catching up on our journals.


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