Sunday, March 31, 2002

Comicy Fun

Lo and behold, I finished another page of my comic!

Other than that, my day was kind of uneventful. I called my family (they were celebrating Easter in the park) and said hello to everyone. I also went to give a photo to my Yearbook editor; Dalton was locked, so I went to knock on the window so the editor would let me in. She couldn't see me, so I didn't accomplish much outside of scaring her.  She ended up calling me later to ask about the photo, so at least she eventually figured out what was going on. I'll have to drop off the pictures tomorrow.

Saturday, March 30, 2002

Today I got up, did a little more comic work, and went into Philly to see a matinee. Taking my textbook (so I could do something during downtimes), I got on the train and walked over to the theatre. The play was an adaptation of As You Like It; it was really well-done. A few of the actors played two or three characters, and at first I didn't realize that some of the parts were doubled. The stage was simple but effective; the staging was more 'circular' so there was no 'front' or 'back' really.

After having dinner in the city, I went to the train station, waited an hour, and took the train back to my dorm room. And now I'm working on my comic again. I should hopefully be finished tonight, so keep an eye out.

Good Day, Sunshine

I was able to get up bright and early on Thursday, a victory despite the fact that my early class was cancelled anyway.

I got up relatively early this morning but went back to sleep until 10:30 or so. It's still better than I've been doing, so I'm happy. Today it was really nice outside; it's warm enough that jackets are no longer necessary, but not so hot that one feels sweaty and uncomfortable. Anyway, I (finally) mailed Fred his sweater today. I also played on the computer, and have done a good deal of the next page of my comic.

Well, goodnight!

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Insomnia and Stuff

I got another late start after having lots of trouble getting to sleep last night. There are few things more frustrating than lying in bed at 4 AM without being able to simply shut your mind off and sleep. I'll try again tonight; hopefully I'll have better luck.

Once I was awake, I went to Dalton to help my Psychology major friend with her thesis. First I had some wires attached to me in order to measure my heart rate. I then watched a tape about Phineas Gage (who you've probably heard about if you've taken a Psych class) with the instruction that I should show the opposite emotional reaction to what was being shown on screen. After that, I went to class and chorale.

I also finished putting all of my MP3s on CD, and finally have space on my hard drive! Believe it or not, the MP3s were taking up over 1/3 of my computer space, so it's quite a relief to not worry about running out of space all the time.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

I Got My CD Burner! Yay!

It came rather earlier than expected. I'm excited... I can finally clean up my hard drive!

... Other than that, my day was pretty uneventful.

I woke up late, but at least I was able to recuperate from the stress of my thesis. I went to class, set up the aforementioned CD burner, went to Staples to get CDs and cases for the CD burner, burned a CD with the CD burner, hugged the CD burner (well, maybe not)...

I also did some reading... and now I need to clean up my room.

Monday, March 18, 2002

Caffeine is Bad

There are few worse things than being mentally tired but having so much caffeine in your system that you couldn't nap if you wanted to. I'm almost surprised that my heart didn't leap out of my chest from racing so fast. And the worst part is that the only way to keep the mental tiredness at bay is to... get more caffeine in your system and let the problem get even worse. I just hope I can get some sleep.

And I turned in my thesis draft. Yay me.

Tengo Hambre

Well, this is what I get for putting things off until the last minute. It's really late, the caffeine in my tea is starting to wear off, and I'm hungry but don't have any food around and can't get any at this hour.

I'm about seven pages into my thesis, having done the introduction (actually, I had written a bad version before break and refined it during my vacation) and my background secondary source material. So I have twenty three to twenty eight pages to devote to the primary sources that make up the bulk of my thesis. I know I'll be up all night fighting sleep and feeling crabby and rotten, but I will get this rough draft finished on time, and it will be a relief to have it behind me.

I couldn't get any work done this afternoon even though I knew it was important and that I had already done enough slacking to write multiple theses. I think that, somehow, being hungry and spent makes it easier to concentrate and get work done. Perhaps it's an ingrained trait; we're wired to 'work', or seek food, when our stomachs are empty, but don't instinctively feel the need to when we're relatively comfortable. Heh, this is rationalization at it's finest/most desparate...

Saturday, March 16, 2002

Back at Bryn Mawr

Well, I didn't get much thesis work done over break, but I was at least able to unwind, something I really needed to do. I spent a lot of time just relaxing in front of the TV and lounging around the house.

* I got to see two plays: 'Crazy and a Half', a series of skits dealing with therapists and their patients, and a small scale production of the musical 'Little Shop of Horrors'.
* I finally got the go-ahead to get a CD burner. I've been in 'dire need' of one for a while, as I keep running out of hard drive space and periodically have to delete tons of files just to have space. I have tragically had to delete such gems as foreign language versions of 'Be Our Guest' and 'Under the Sea', and even songs that I actually listened to on occasion.
* I got to talk with Fred on the phone a bit on Friday. Gee, I still have to mail him his sweater, don't I? ;)

The flight home was pretty relaxed. I mostly played on the computer and napped (how unusual). I took the taxi home, got back to my room, and set everything up here.

Now to work on my thesis...

Sunday, March 10, 2002

Internet Withdrawl

Since I'm back here, I don't have much access to the internet. My own computer's not hooked up, my sister won't let me touch her laptop, and, making things even worse, my mom's computer's broken. So my only option is to use my sister's very slow old computer when I get the chance.

I didn't do much yesterday, though I did see The Time Machine with my family. I can't say I reccomend it...

I should hopefully be doing some heavy-duty work today. For dinner, I'll be eating with my immediate family and grandparents; my grandpa is having surgery later this week and my mom thought it would lessen the stress if we all got together.

Thursday, March 7, 2002

A Brief Sojourn

Yesterday was productive in that I got to turn in some Yearbook film and deposit a Christmas check from my grandfater (something I needed to do since I'm running low on cash).

Today was more productive. I was able to go to Philadelphia to search an archive, something I desparately needed to do before break. It took longer than expected, but I got something done at least. I also got some reading for another class done while I was on the train, always a good thing. After returning to Bryn Mawr, I went to Chorale. I think the trip tired me out, because I had trouble staying awake when I wasn't singing. Finally, I finished up the first page of my comic series and created the quiz that you see below:

Friday, March 1, 2002

Beating Myself Up

Argh... It's frustrating when I spend my day doing little of worth. I was basically stalling my thesis introduction all day. It wasn't even 'meaningful' stalling. I just basically checked the same websites over and over again; however, boring as it was, I couldn't draw myself away in order to be productive. Hopefully I'll be desparate enough to get my work done quickly tomorrow. At least I was able to clean my room. I'm meeting with a classmate on Saturday, so I needed to have it tidy enough that I wouldn't be embarassed.

Pointless Achievement of the Day: I learned how to make icons for my computer!