Monday, June 30, 2003

One Day Until Exams

Katharine Hepburn (Bryn Mawr, '28) died today. Even if it's not totally unexpected, it's sad to hear that one of Hollywood's greatest and most spirited actresses is gone.

In happier news, I have been feeling better and have almost completely gotten over my cold, which means I have that much more energy to study (oh joy!). I've got to consolidate and print my notes, which is a lot easier when I had my computer and printer in my room (right now, I keep my computer in a locker at school). I'm just glad that I've set some time aside to travel and explore after exams, because there's a lot of London that I have yet to see.

Friday, June 27, 2003

Almost Over

I ought to get back to my room, so I'll keep this quick.

This was my last week of classes; exams begin (naturally) next week, and I'll be moving out of my current housing on the 3rd. It really went quickly, especially in comparison to my fall and spring semesters.

I started getting a little sick on Monday, so I tried to get a little more rest than usual. On Monday, we had our last Music Copyright class, and the teacher singled me out in her 'summing up' speech, which was flattering though naturally a bit embarrassing. The last real Environmental Law class was on Tuesday (there was a 'field trip' to the International Maritime Organization on Thursday). Tuesday was also the day we took the class photos; naturally, I was in the front, despite having worn my uncomfortably high shoes.

Though there were technically no classes on Wednesday, the school organized a tea at the posh Milestone Hotel. However, I had to sign up for fall classes (luckily, I had an early slot and was able to get what I wanted) and was consequently a little late for the tea. After tea, I headed back to my room to relax a bit before going through the Victoria and Albert museum and watching Big Ben at dusk.

I had thought I'd seen the worst of my cold by Wednesday, but I woke up on Thursday in an awful state, and was hardly able to speak above a whisper. Needless to say, I sat out the IMO trip (I heard that I didn't miss much), but ended up going to my last Film Copyright class, though I left before the second half, since it was just review.

I'm feeling a bit better today, and was able to go to a local doctor, where I was given extra medicines. Hopefully, I'll be feeling well enough to do some serious studying on Saturday.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Faith and Begorrah or Something Like That

I've been busy this weekend, as I was able to get cheap tickets to Dublin a couple of weeks back. However, while the tickets were relatively easy to get, the hotel rooms were a bigger problem. Unbeknownst to me, Dublin was hosting the Special Olympics during the very weekend that I was to arrive; I only discovered that fact out after some maddening efforts to find rooms for my stay. Though it took a long time to find accommodations (giving me nightmares about arriving in a foreign city without a place to stay), I lucked out in the end and was able to book rooms, though I was staying in a different room for each night (because the first hotel that came through only had a room on Saturday, and I thought it would be easier to get another room on Friday than one for both nights). Both places were centrally located and fairly nice (though I liked the Saturday hotel better), but I was mostly glad that I found something.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Bath and Beyond

I've been busy since I last wrote. On Wednesday, I was able to go to the theatre, and saw Brand (featuring Ralph Fiennes). On Friday, I went on a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath; my friend and I ended up staying the night in Bath so we could see more of the city than the short bus tour allowed. Stonehenge was interesting, though for some reason it looked smaller than I imagined it. I think the underlying facts and logistics about how the monument was made, rather than just the monument itself, are what really make the site interesting.

Bath was also interesting to visit; I loved the Georgian buildings, and there were some interesting museums there. First, we went to the Roman baths, built by ancient Roman (no, really?) colonists on the site of the hot springs there. It was interesting to walk through the remains and see how Roman baths would be situated. After the museum, we went and tried some of the 'curative' spring water, which wasn't as bad as I had feared (though it's not something you'd want to drink often). In the evening, we went on a free Bath walk before getting a bite to eat and going to bed.

The next day, we went to the assembly rooms (where the upper classes in Bath used to get together... think Jane Austen) and the costume museum which was directly below it. Once we had finished with the museums, we had just enough time to walk down the river Avon (one of many 'Avons' in Britain, as Avon is just another word for river) and have lunch before getting on the tour bus (we had arranged to meet with the group for the next day's tour). After getting back, we headed over to Leicester square for dinner before doing some work at the school.

On Sunday (a.k.a. Father's Day), I visited some family (my mom's cousin, along with her husband and one of my second cousins) in Luton, which is about 30 minutes to the north of London. It was a warm day, so we were able to sit in the garden and chat for most of the afternoon, though we did go on a short drive through Woburn as well.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Hello Again

Not much has happened since I last wrote. Happily, I was able to go to the British Museum on Sunday; while I (predictably) didn't get to see the whole thing, I did get a look at the Greek, Near Eastern, and Egyptian sections, as well as parts of the Asian and African sections. A couple of the rooms were closed, but at least I did get to see the Elgin Marbles and the Rosetta Stone.

Other than that, I've been busy with school (I'm taking classes in International Environmental Law and International Entertainment Law (Film and Music sections). The reading isn't as bad as it could be, but it is compressed (60 pages per night for the environmental class), and my last class ends late (9:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays), making it hard to put a workable study schedule together.

In other news, I think I'm recovering from my cold, so I should be feeling better in a few days.

Saturday, June 7, 2003

European Trip III

Scotland Trip

Day 7 - May 20th
After getting up and having breakfast (I had ordered a more generic meal, but did end up trying the haggis that Tiffany had ordered - it really wasn't too bad), we went on a 'hop on, hop off' bus tour through Edinburgh, stopping to see Edinburgh castle on the way. The castle itself had a few displays, including a war museum and the Scottish crown jewels (which were not destroyed during the Cromwell period and are thus older than England's). After taking a break at our bed and breakfast, we headed over to Old Town for a 'literary pub crawl', which consisted of a tour by two actors who argued over the highbrow/lowbrow origins of Scottish literature. Technically, we shouldn't have been able to go, but the private school group didn't mind us (and two other Californians) tagging along. Afterwards, we got some pizza and borrowed the B&B's copy of Jurassic Park before going to bed.