Friday, June 27, 2003

Almost Over

I ought to get back to my room, so I'll keep this quick.

This was my last week of classes; exams begin (naturally) next week, and I'll be moving out of my current housing on the 3rd. It really went quickly, especially in comparison to my fall and spring semesters.

I started getting a little sick on Monday, so I tried to get a little more rest than usual. On Monday, we had our last Music Copyright class, and the teacher singled me out in her 'summing up' speech, which was flattering though naturally a bit embarrassing. The last real Environmental Law class was on Tuesday (there was a 'field trip' to the International Maritime Organization on Thursday). Tuesday was also the day we took the class photos; naturally, I was in the front, despite having worn my uncomfortably high shoes.

Though there were technically no classes on Wednesday, the school organized a tea at the posh Milestone Hotel. However, I had to sign up for fall classes (luckily, I had an early slot and was able to get what I wanted) and was consequently a little late for the tea. After tea, I headed back to my room to relax a bit before going through the Victoria and Albert museum and watching Big Ben at dusk.

I had thought I'd seen the worst of my cold by Wednesday, but I woke up on Thursday in an awful state, and was hardly able to speak above a whisper. Needless to say, I sat out the IMO trip (I heard that I didn't miss much), but ended up going to my last Film Copyright class, though I left before the second half, since it was just review.

I'm feeling a bit better today, and was able to go to a local doctor, where I was given extra medicines. Hopefully, I'll be feeling well enough to do some serious studying on Saturday.

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