Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Bath and Beyond

I've been busy since I last wrote. On Wednesday, I was able to go to the theatre, and saw Brand (featuring Ralph Fiennes). On Friday, I went on a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath; my friend and I ended up staying the night in Bath so we could see more of the city than the short bus tour allowed. Stonehenge was interesting, though for some reason it looked smaller than I imagined it. I think the underlying facts and logistics about how the monument was made, rather than just the monument itself, are what really make the site interesting.

Bath was also interesting to visit; I loved the Georgian buildings, and there were some interesting museums there. First, we went to the Roman baths, built by ancient Roman (no, really?) colonists on the site of the hot springs there. It was interesting to walk through the remains and see how Roman baths would be situated. After the museum, we went and tried some of the 'curative' spring water, which wasn't as bad as I had feared (though it's not something you'd want to drink often). In the evening, we went on a free Bath walk before getting a bite to eat and going to bed.

The next day, we went to the assembly rooms (where the upper classes in Bath used to get together... think Jane Austen) and the costume museum which was directly below it. Once we had finished with the museums, we had just enough time to walk down the river Avon (one of many 'Avons' in Britain, as Avon is just another word for river) and have lunch before getting on the tour bus (we had arranged to meet with the group for the next day's tour). After getting back, we headed over to Leicester square for dinner before doing some work at the school.

On Sunday (a.k.a. Father's Day), I visited some family (my mom's cousin, along with her husband and one of my second cousins) in Luton, which is about 30 minutes to the north of London. It was a warm day, so we were able to sit in the garden and chat for most of the afternoon, though we did go on a short drive through Woburn as well.

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