Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Settled In

I have more or less moved into my room for the summer, although there are a few things I'd like to take to Northridge when I get the time. I was able to find a 'place' for everything, and things are starting to fall into order.

On Mother's Day, I went to Chuck E. Cheese with the family; since the twins are still young, it's less of a headache than the traditional brunch. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and it was good to see my family again.

Other than that, things have been pretty quiet around here. I've devoted most of my energy to settling in, and have taken some time for free reading and DVD watching. I also got to see my sister tonight, as she came over to see what my room looked like.

I'm probably going to spend the remainder of the week on random chores and tasks; I'd like to have everything taken care of before I start my externship on the 24th.

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