Friday, September 3, 2004

Yes, I've Been Busy

As of tomorrow, I will have completed my third week of classes; the idea that I am back in school is still a little unreal. My schedule for the semester is as follows:

Civil Rights (10:20-11:20)

Federal Income Tax (1:30-3:00)

Community Property (9:10-10:10)
Civil Rights (10:20-11:20)
Supreme Court Seminar (11:30-1:00)

Supreme Court Seminar (11:30-1:00)
Federal Income Tax (1:30-3:00)
Ethical Lawyering (3:10-5:10)

Community Property (9:10-10:10)
Civil Rights (10:20-11:20)

Tax and Ethics are my only required courses, although Community Property is strongly recommended. I'm in good stead after this semester, since I only have to take Wills & Trusts to have fulfilled the requirements both in terms of units and required courses.

Because of construction delays, I wasn't able to move into my dorm room on the scheduled date of Friday, August 13th. Instead, I had to move in on Sunday afternoon, so I had less than a day to get settled in before school started. In addition, since the bathroom tiles had to "settle," I couldn't use the apartment's showers until Tuesday night. Naturally, when I first went in to take a shower, I discovered that they had forgotten to install a shower head.

However, things eventually fell into place. On the plus side, I have one roommate rather than three, and it's great to have the extra space. Although I didn't have the time to organize my belongings at first and still have to get some things from home, I finally got my room to resemble something vaguely roomlike.

I've been able to do some other things as well. A few weeks ago, my dad took my sister and me to see a Stanford Law (he's an alumnus) event in which the co-creator of "24" (another alumnus) spoke about the show and showed the pilot. I swung at a piƱata at Annie's birthday party, met with Reena while she was in Los Angeles, and saw a few movies.

Finally, I'd like to congratulate Matt (Chrissie's boyfriend) for co-directing the music video of "It's a Hit" for Rilo Kiley; anyone who's interested can find the video on the band's webpage.

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