Friday, May 20, 2005

Graduation Eve

Unsurprisingly, I've been pretty busy lately.

I finished paper #3 at around 4:00 on Friday morning, which gave me just enough time to get ready and head home before Chrissie's USC graduation. The family ended up attending three ceremonies. The first was held for the entire school, and the other two were 'satellite' ceremonies for the departments my sister majored in (Film and Theater); we weren't able to attend a fourth ceremony (College of Letters, for her Political Science major) because it conflicted with the Theater graduation, but that would probably have been one ceremony too many anyway. I was glad to see Chrissie (and Matt) graduate, although I was naturally pretty tired.

This week, I've been trying to catch up with various chores and tasks that I have been meaning to do for a while. I got a desperately-needed haircut, did some shopping, and finally replaced my cell phone.

Today was the pre-graduation breakfast, which was nice and relatively laid-back. It was nice to run into classmates, and I got several compliments on my new dress, which was flattering. Later, I relaxed by the school's pool with one of my roommates.

The fact of my impending graduation hasn't affected me much yet; I doubt that it will hit me until after I've left the campus. However, it is saddening to have to wrap things up. I can't believe that I won't have any more research assistant work, and that I'll only be living on campus for a few more days.

An Interview from Reena!
1. Now that you've been through law school, how do you feel about shows like Law and Order and other similar ones?
I never got into any legal shows in the first place, so it's hard to give an honest answer. From my experiences with other shows and movies, I guess that I would find misstatements and inaccuracies more glaring.
2. What would be your dream graphic design job if you could do anything you wanted with unlimited budget?
This isn't technically a 'graphic design' job, but I think it would be interesting to make a very stylized animated film. In a weird way, I think that something like 'The Threepenny Opera' could translate well into animation if done correctly; animated figures can be blunt in a way that human actors can't.
3. If you could change your relationship with one person in your life, who would it be and what would you change?
My relationships with the people close to me are generally pretty good, so I don't particularly want to change any of them. I don't know if this counts as 'changing my relationship' with someone, but, if it were possible I would like to ensure that my creepy 'stalker' practiced law in a jurisdiction where I would never see him again.
4. What is one of your earliest memories of you and Chrissie?
It's hard to say, because most of the earlier memories come from watching videos rather than from genuine recollections. I have several random memories, although I can't really place them in chronological order. One example: I can remember us telling nonsensical jokes and laughing ourselves silly in hotel rooms, and later getting in trouble with the 'neighbors' for being too loud.
5. If you could try one radical physical change to your appearance (and if it didn't work out, you could change it right back) what would you change?
I don't tend to scrutinize my appearance, but, if I could make one radical change, I think I would make myself taller.

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