Friday, January 1, 2010

Prepared for 2010

Although there were definite highlights, 2009 was a challenging and stressful year. I am excited for the "clean slate" that the new year represents, and I definitely have a few goals (I hesitate to use the term "resolutions") for the coming months. Here are the things I would like to do:
  • Get my Apartment in Order: I've been at my apartment for over two years, but it's still not fully furnished and decorated. In part, this is because I have been hesitant to buy furniture or artwork that is generic, or that I don't like. It's also easy to put decorating on the backburner when you don't have roommates. I am hoping to get the final pieces of furniture in place (I just got a new lamp yesterday!), and I'm going to make more of an effort to decorate the walls and make the space more livable.
  • Draw More Regularly: Drawing is one of the few things I can always count on to make me happy, and I want to make sure that I'm always drawing something. Fortunately, I got copies of Photoshop and Illustrator for Christmas, so I'll have a lot to work with.
  • Consume Less Caffeine: I'll see if I can do this. I tend to drink too much caffeine (especially tea), and I don't think it's good for me. I'd like to scale back a bit.
  • Read More/Watch More Movies: It's easy to get consumed by work, and to miss out on the interesting movies that are coming out, or on the important books that I should have read by now.
  • Keep Doing the Positive Things I've Been Doing: I have to keep in mind that I've accomplished (or at least working towards) many good things, and I don't want to let them fall by the wayside as I try to improve myself.
Anyhow, Happy New Year, everyone!

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