Monday, July 14, 1997

1997 Trip: A Birthday in London, Shakespeare, and More Culture

Here it is:
  • Friday: It, of course, was my birthday. Chrissie & Mom surprised me w/cards, art supplies, & a cake (wheeled in the room at night). We went to the Tower of London & also went to see The Winter's Tale at the reopened Globe Theater. It was okay, but the girl who played Perdita was a bit annoying & the stage was such that one of the major focal points was hard to see from my seat. It was a good experience, anyways, so I wasn't upset.
  • Saturday: On Saturday we finished up the British Museum, seeing the literary area, Mexican art (I liked the turquoise masks), prints by Picasso, & Korean art. Then, we went to see the new musical Always, about the romance between Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson. I thought it was cheesy & also had bad music, but Chrissie & Mom thought it was pretty good.
  • Sunday: After finally getting into the Hard Rock Cafe for an early lunch, we went to the National Gallery & saw the paintings there. Though the work was great, we all reached a consensus that we were museumed out!
  • Monday: Today was our day trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon, where we saw Anne Hathaway's house, Shakespeare's mother's house (where I got to hold & feed an owl), & the exterior of Shakespeare's birthplace (it was closed by the time we got there). As a side note, Chrissie & I almost got locked in a store! Well, bye!

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