Thursday, July 10, 1997

1997 Trip: Museums, Musicals, and More

  • Wednesday: First, we went over to Westminster Abbey & saw all of the famous graves. After lunch, we headed over to a matinee of "Oliver," which was not as good as "Guys and Dolls," though it was nice. At intermission, when I attempted to get a CD, the stand was bombarded with pushy schoolkids & I had to wait until the end to get it. Also, the kids in the audience were a bit antsy.
  • Thursday: Today we saw the British Museum (or most of it - we'll come back later), visiting the Ancient Greek, Roman, & Egyptian antiques (including the Rosetta Stone), Medieval to modern decoration, and an exhibit on mummies during the Roman-Egyptian period (which had paintings of faces rather than standard Egyptian stuff). We had an early dinner & went back to the hotel.
Ok - that's it. Bye!

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