Friday, November 1, 2002

Pumpkin Day

Yesterday was pretty laid back; our Torts professor even brought his nephew and dog into class as part of the festivities. I did what little reading I had to do for today and watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas" before going out to 3rd street for Halloween. I ended up not doing very much, since other people weren't really up to doing anything. I wanted to do something, since I had bought a costume (though I'll probably just use it next year); I had an okay time, but I am really not much of a party person.

It's so good to have a working keyboard again (albeit a somewhat bulky one); typing entries/emails/etc. was such a pain when I had to delete characters all the time.

In other news, there is a citation project that I have to do for Legal Research. it looks absolutely miserable, but I know that I have to do it tonight and get it out of the way. Blue book, here I come... ::grumbles::

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