Thursday, November 7, 2002

Take a Sad Song and Make It Better

I went with Chrissie to the Hitchcock class; of course, LA traffic being what it is, we missed the screening (of Psycho), but we did get to see the Q&A session with Patricia Hitchcock, which was interesting (and we even got free watches).

Sadly, I spent most of today in a state of depression. Sometimes it's hard to draw the line between objective, necessary self-criticism and the brooding and self-loathing of depression; by the time you recognize what's going on, you're already so mired in the negative feelings that it's hard to force yourself out of it. It was largely a wasted day, since I felt physically couldn't manage to get much done at all. I am starting to feel better, so hopefully it will lift and I will be more productive. I really need the energy to get my work done right now.

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