Saturday, December 21, 2002

I am Cold

Let's see...

On Wednesday, I went to court to hear my dad give oral arguments (he had asked me to go earlier). I was a bit late, as I'm not a morning person and I hadn't really brought anything nice to wear over vacation and was desperately borrowing from mom. However, there were several appellate cases being argued and my dad's was the last one, so I didn't miss his argument. It was fairly interesting to hear some of the concepts that I've covered in new cases and contexts. Once I drove back, I did a few holiday chores before going back home.

On Friday, Chrissie and I went to Marlborough's WinterFest (for the uninformed, Marlborough is my high school). I hardly knew any of the current students (the current seniors were seventh graders when I graduated), but I ran into a few alumna and teachers. After that, we drove over to Candy Cane Lane (a street where the residents put up tons of elaborate holiday displays) before going to the Nortridge mall to search for holiday gifts.

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