Friday, March 26, 2004

Summer Plans

I got an offer for an externship the Licensing section of the California Department of Justice on Wednesday; I decided to accept, and have been starting to make further arrangements so that I can be certified to appear in court and get class credit for my work. I also have to arrange to get fingerprinted with the other externs, which needs to be done quickly so that background checks are finished before I'm ready to work.

Finally, I'll have to cancel another DOJ interview (with the Torts section). The selection process for the section wouldn't have been completed until April, and I didn't want to jeopardize a concrete opportunity that I genuinely am excited about for a chance at another one, especially since both of the two externships are at the DOJ and are probably fairly similar.

More than anything, I'm happy and relieved that I have some practical job experience lined up for the summer. I think it's something that I could really use at this point, both on a personal level and on a practical one.

Monday, March 22, 2004


I have been super-busy for the past few days, and I expect to be pretty busy for a while.

I went out to Santa Monica after class on Thursday, grabbing a bite to eat and seeing Monster. It was nice to get away from school, and I'm glad I was able to catch the movie before it left theaters.

I had my interview on Friday. I think it went well; my interviewers were friendly, and I think I made a good impression. In any case, I should know the outcome in the next week or so. After the interview, I went with a friend and saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which had just come out.

On Saturday, I helped man the rooms for the first-year moot court tournament. Since literally everyone in the first year class participates, the rounds lasted for a long time. I arrived at 8:15 and wasn't finished until 5:00, so I was utterly exhausted by the time I got back. In addition, my feet were hurt from two straight days of wearing heels; for a while, it hurt to walk. I was a bit surprised at how tired I was, but I was able to get some rest later on.

I basically took it easy today, and I think I needed to take some time to do nothing (or at least very little). I just hope that I'll be able to budget my time over the next few weeks.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

School and Such

Fortunately, Sunny got through the operation and is doing well.

I've been able to get back into the school schedule, although I felt a bit sleep-deprived today, as I needed to stay up late to work on an outline.I'm going to have to be a bit more careful with my sleep schedule, especially since it seems like half of the school has come down with a cold.

In other news, I have an interview with the Licensing Section of the Department of Justice later this week. I hope that I have a decent shot at an externship there; I think that my Administrative Law background will put me in a good position, but it's hard to know what will happen.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Back to School

My spring break was this week, and, on the whole, it was uneventful. I just wasn't as motivated as I'd like to be, and I felt too guitly to do something exciting when I should be studying. I was able to watch a few DVDs from Christmas, and I got to meet up with Chrissie a couple of times. I did a little bit of schoolwork, as well. Unfortunately, I ran out of print credits for the semester and will have to buy more.

I spent my Sunday afternoon at home in Northridge. After going to lunch with my parents, the three of us took Sunny (our Golden Retriever) to the vet. It looks like he has a tumor, so we had to schedule an operation for him tomorrow. These things tend to get more complicated as pets get older, so I hope that the surgery goes well. We also went to see The Passion and out to dinner with Chrissie, who had come back from a day of coaching. Both of us also got Palm PCs as super-early "birthday presents."

I wish I had more time to prepare before school started up again, but I guess I'll have to just get back on schedule. If nothing else, I'm a bit more rested up than I was when the vacation started.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Have you heard the campaigns? It's Super Tuesday!

Please forgive the cheesy wordplay in the title.

Anyway, on Saturday, I went to the annual Law School Dinner with my dad. We were seated at one of the Moot Court Board tables near the front. The evening consisted of a dinner, the presentation of awards, and a keynote speech by Alberto Gonzales, counsel to the White House.

I watched Sunday's Oscar ceremony, and was a little bit disappointed by the outcome. I would have liked some upsets, and there were some categories in which I don't think Lord of the Rings should have won.

Yesterday, I found out that my journal paper is one of those selected for publication; it will be in the NAALJ journal this fall. Of course, that means that I have all summer to make revisions. However, I am pretty excited about being published. That afternoon, I sent in my absentee ballot. Later in the evening, I visited Chrissie, and we watched Woody Allen's Love and Death in her film theory class before going out to eat.

Today, I finished up my Education Law presentation, so that's a relief. I think it went over well, and I'm glad that I got the presentation itself over with at a relatively early point.

Anyway, I ought to be going!