Sunday, September 30, 2001


If you haven't guessed by the title, I didn't get all that much schoolwork done today. I did a tiny bit of reading, but that was it. Hopefully I'll be able to do a little bit of work before bed.

One good thing that happened today is that the cafeteria switched back to the 'old' sundae bar; instead of having tiny cups of ice cream, they now have actual scoopable ice cream. ...You know you're pathetic when you care about things like that, but oh well.

Saturday, September 29, 2001


I'm feeling a bit depressed right now, though there's really no huge reason for me to be. It's frustrating to feel drained and exhausted when you've gotten more than enough sleep and haven't really done any work. Hopefully I'll be able to finish my reading today, though; I'd sort of like to concentrate on my math and LSAT prep tomorrow.

I think I'll try to do some reading before dinner. Hopefully I'll be able to get something done.

Friday, September 28, 2001

::Tries to think of witty subject line::

Today was pretty lazy and uneventful. Since I did all of my Real Analysis homework yesterday during the problem session, I didn't have to scramble to do any homework before class. So I got to nap and goof off until 11. I was able to finish a graphic for GirlSite, which is good because I've been sort of lazy sending artwork for the site for the last two weeks.

After class was finished, I met with Rachel, who's my partner for the archive visit. We scheduled an appointment to visit an archive on Monday afternoon. It should be interesting, so I'll have to write about it when the time comes.

Finally, this evening I went to an acapella concert; since I'm editing the Arts section of the yearbook and wasn't able to get someone to cover for me, I had to go and take pictures. The concert was a benefit, with all donations going to the red cross. All of the Bi-College (aka Bryn Mawr and its 'sibling school' Haverford) groups were there, along with an Indian-American group from Penn (to clarify, the group was not Native American, but from India). It was enjoyable and lifted my spirits quite a bit.

I was also able to get some sketches done this evening, which is important if I want to consider applying to art schools. I think they came out pretty well.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

I did work and other things

After going to bed pretty late last night, I woke up earlier than usual to finish up some work. Predictably, I was something of a zombie in this morning's classes, but I felt more awake by the afternoon. Surprisingly, my Chaotic Dynamical Systems teacher liked the way I did Tuesday's homework problem (which I did at an insanely late hour), and asked me to explain what I did to the class, so that was sort of good. I was able to explain things well enough despite the aforementioned zombie problem.

After my last class, I went back to my room to find the phone ringing. It was the director of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. She had wanted to cast me, but my schedule just didn't work with the other people she wanted, so she wasn't able to. I can't say I wasn't a bit disappointed, but I'm glad that she took the effort to call, and also that the fact I wasn't cast didn't really reflect on me. I have a pretty full schedule as it is anyway, so having the extra time is probably beneficial.

Since I didn't have my senior thesis class this week (it's 'visit the archives' week), I was able to go to a math problem session and work on my Real Analysis homework with some classmates and a TA. I usually just throw my homework together, so being able to work with people and ask questions was really helpful. Real Analysis can be tricky, because the teacher and TAs want proofs to be clear; simply understanding the concept isn't enough. So it's especially good that I was able to go to the problem session.

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Stuff and Junk

I was able to do quite a bit these past two days. Though I went to sleep really late Monday night, I was able to get up in time to get to my first class on Tuesday. After that class, I was able to call the medical service corps with the information they needed, so I hopefully won't have to worry about that entire ordeal anymore. I then went to my next two classes, though I was a bit tired, particularly in my Chaotic Dynamical Systems class.

That evening, I decided to audition for a student production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead; I figured that it would be a fun experience. If you're not familiar with the play, it's Tom Stoppard's reworking of Shakespeare's Hamlet that centers on the minor characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (no, really?). The audition went surprisingly well. It helped that I remembered the play from high school, and I was, amazingly enough, not really nervous. Perhaps I was too tired for my nerves to kick in, or maybe I figured that it was more of a random thing and thus didn't get too overly invested emotionally.

Anyway, I found a person to read with for the audition, and we practiced a while before going in. The director took our information sheets; she noticed that I had assistant-directed a play before and asked me whether I would be interested in working in that capacity. After reading the scene, she had us do a few improvs by ourselves. I'm not the most spontaneous person in the world, but it went pretty well. She said that she was mainly considering me for Ophelia, since I had the look she was going for. I think I have a good chance, so we'll have to see how it turns out. Ophelia's a pretty small role in Rosencrantz..., but I think it'll be fun. I don't know whether I would have the time to commit to a main character, so this way I'll get to be a part of the production without being overburdened by it.

Today I was able to give my room a much-needed cleaning and also make an appointment to take the GRE. I also talked to my professor about my thesis for the first time. It wasn't a particularly encouraging meeting; she felt I was trying to tackle something too amorphous and complicated and that I should get something more concrete to latch onto. It's valid criticism, and I guess this is all part of the process, but it's still frustrating to have to deal with. Hopefully I'll be able to find something that is both interesting and doable.

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Early morning rambling

Since I wanted to stay on top of things, I have stayed up much later (or is that earlier?) than I should. While I'm sure I'll feel the consequences tomorrow, it has allowed me to concentrate on my reading as well as do some thinking. I love how things are at two or three in the morning; everyone's asleep, and it's like you have the entire dorm to yourself. I appreciate the tranquility of the early morning hours; it's one of the few times I can be alone with my thoughts without being interrupted by other people.

Anyway, something troublesome happened not long after I made my last entry. My dad called and told me that I might get sued. Here's the backstory:

Monday, September 24, 2001

Stuff happened today

Well, Monday is a pretty light day for me, schoolwise. I only have one class (the other four are on Tuesdays and Thursdays), so I can ease my way into the week. I spent more of my time on the net than I probably needed to, but I nonetheless was able to get a decent amount of work done.

Schoolwork's always harder for me than it really needs to be; I tend to overintellectualize the process of getting work done, which makes it hard just to bite the bullet and do the work. I end up putting more effort into procrastinating my work than the work itself sometimes. ::sigh:: And now I'm overintellectualizing the fact that I overintellectualize things...

Anyway, at least I know this is a problem for me and can try to curb any bad tendencies on my part. The nice thing about living on a college campus is that there are a lot of libraries and other places where you can go to if you need to study. I don't know if it's true for other people, but I find it very difficult to study in my own 'personal space' for some reason. I guess I get distracted too easily or something.

Saturday, September 22, 2001

And so it begins...

Well, I have now added a Livejournal... yay me.

I've been wanting to have a forum to express my thoughts as to what's been going on in my life, and I think the 'Updates' part of my website just didn't cut it. Because my site's built so everyone who knows me, from friends to relatives to people from my internship, can check up an me, it sort of had a 'Christmas letter' sort of feel; while I gave some broad information on my life, I didn't feel I could delve or talk about the more trivial things in my life. And, after Kim mentioned Livejournal tonight, it led me to set up my own journal.

I didn't do much work today, though I did get a few chapters of a book read. I mostly surfed the web, though I also did a pen drawing and am doing cleanup on another piece of artwork.

Well, that's it for now; I think I'll get more into things as time progresses, though.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Updates and Thoughts

Well, I am now a week into my final year of college. It's sort of scary knowing that I will have to make a definite decision as to where I'm going in the next year, and it doesn't seem possible that my college years are coming to a close. It's something that you know will eventually come up; still, part of me can't conceptualize making the change and taking concrete steps towars a possible future. It's something I know I have to do of course, but making this sort of decision has never been a strong suit of mine.

It's been great being back at school and running into all the familiar faces there. It's weird not seeing some of the people, though; I keep wondering about random people and have to remind myself that they've moved on now. My new dorm room is great; it's HUGE and is right by the front entrance. Unfortunately, there isn't any storage space, so I had to buy a bunch of plastic bins to make up for that. It also doesn't have a built in closet, and the metal closet that the school provides isn't very good, so I'll have to see if I can find a cheap replacement.