Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Early morning rambling

Since I wanted to stay on top of things, I have stayed up much later (or is that earlier?) than I should. While I'm sure I'll feel the consequences tomorrow, it has allowed me to concentrate on my reading as well as do some thinking. I love how things are at two or three in the morning; everyone's asleep, and it's like you have the entire dorm to yourself. I appreciate the tranquility of the early morning hours; it's one of the few times I can be alone with my thoughts without being interrupted by other people.

Anyway, something troublesome happened not long after I made my last entry. My dad called and told me that I might get sued. Here's the backstory:

Last May, as I was preparing to write my last final paper, I decided to walk to the local supermarket and get something to eat. Unfortunately, as I was crossing the street, a car came from out of nowhere, ran over my feet, and sped away. Someone who saw this happening asked me if I was alright; he pulled over while his wife called 911. He tried to comfort me as the police and ambulance arrived. I think having all these people asking me questions was more traumatic than the accident itself. Though I didn't feel really hurt or anything, having a police officer interrogate me about what happened made me into a gushy mess.

Anyway, I was taken in an ambulance to the hospital. After giving my insurance information, I waited for hours until someone was ready to see me (luckily I had a book that I was using for my paper). Finally, a doctor came and looked at my feet; he said that they looked alright, but that they'd need to do X-rays just in case. This was followed by more waiting until the X-ray technician came and took X-rays of my feet. After more waiting (aren't hospitals fun?), the doctor told me that my bones were fine and that I should just make sure to take it easy on my feet for a few days. I called home to tell my family what happened and then called Public Safety to drive me home. My feet were pretty much fine by the next day.

The reason I'm (possibly) getting sued is that I forgot to call about my insurance information. Things piled up at school, and, if you add the WTC tragedy to the mix, it was just not in the forefront of my mind. It's as if I somehow think that if I just ignore an unpleasant task, it'll 'disappear'; I think this issue is at the heart of my procrastination problem as well. I don't want to confront something until it can't be avoided anymore. I realize that this is irresponsible and immature of me, and that I have to make a point not to let matters such as these fall by the wayside. Hopefully I'll be able to solve this problem without too many consequences and walk away from it having learned a lesson.

I think I've rambled long enough... it's time for a little bit of sleep.

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