Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Stuff and Junk

I was able to do quite a bit these past two days. Though I went to sleep really late Monday night, I was able to get up in time to get to my first class on Tuesday. After that class, I was able to call the medical service corps with the information they needed, so I hopefully won't have to worry about that entire ordeal anymore. I then went to my next two classes, though I was a bit tired, particularly in my Chaotic Dynamical Systems class.

That evening, I decided to audition for a student production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead; I figured that it would be a fun experience. If you're not familiar with the play, it's Tom Stoppard's reworking of Shakespeare's Hamlet that centers on the minor characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (no, really?). The audition went surprisingly well. It helped that I remembered the play from high school, and I was, amazingly enough, not really nervous. Perhaps I was too tired for my nerves to kick in, or maybe I figured that it was more of a random thing and thus didn't get too overly invested emotionally.

Anyway, I found a person to read with for the audition, and we practiced a while before going in. The director took our information sheets; she noticed that I had assistant-directed a play before and asked me whether I would be interested in working in that capacity. After reading the scene, she had us do a few improvs by ourselves. I'm not the most spontaneous person in the world, but it went pretty well. She said that she was mainly considering me for Ophelia, since I had the look she was going for. I think I have a good chance, so we'll have to see how it turns out. Ophelia's a pretty small role in Rosencrantz..., but I think it'll be fun. I don't know whether I would have the time to commit to a main character, so this way I'll get to be a part of the production without being overburdened by it.

Today I was able to give my room a much-needed cleaning and also make an appointment to take the GRE. I also talked to my professor about my thesis for the first time. It wasn't a particularly encouraging meeting; she felt I was trying to tackle something too amorphous and complicated and that I should get something more concrete to latch onto. It's valid criticism, and I guess this is all part of the process, but it's still frustrating to have to deal with. Hopefully I'll be able to find something that is both interesting and doable.

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