Sunday, August 25, 2002


I have to do some reading, so this update will have to be a quick one.

I finished my first week of law school without any problems cropping up. The schedule is still a bit light, as the semester hasn't shifted into full gear.

I had a fun weekend, if not an especially productive one. On Friday evening, the university sponsored an 'I Survived the First Week of Law School' event at the Fro Bar in Santa Monica. I'm not really one for that sort of thing, but I had a fun time nonetheless. After we left, I and four other George Page (student housing) people had a bit to eat at a nearby Johnny Rockets before heading back.

Saturday was pretty uneventful, though I did go down to the Coffee Bean in Malibu to get some studying done. That evening, my dad picked me up and took me back to Northridge for the night; that way I could drive back in my car the next day.

I got a late start on Sunday morning, but I finally got back to my dorm. Soon after I got back, I had to head out to USC, since Chrissie wanted to see a one-woman play with me. Sadly, I didn't make it there in time, so we just hung out in her room and tried to get her a cable for her TV. Then I went back, and wrote a journal entry, and...

I think that's enough. Now, I will leave you with PandaDog...

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

My Legs Are Sore (And, Uh, Classes Have Started)

Classes began on Monday. Here is my (revised) schedule:

8-9: Real Property
9:10-10:10: Torts I
11:30-12:30: Civil Pleading and Procedure I
1:20-2:30: Criminal Law

9:10-10:10: Torts I
10:20-11:20: Contracts I
1:30-2:30: Legal Research I

8-9: Real Property
11:30-12:30: Civil Pleading and Procedure I
1:20-2:30: Criminal Law

9:10-10:10: Torts I
10:20-11:20: Contracts I
1:30-2:30: Legal Research I (Group)

8-9: Real Property
10:20-11:20: Contracts I
11:30-12:30: Civil Pleading and Procedure I

So far it hasn't been too bad; the reading isn't too terrible in terms of volume, and I have been able to understand the basic gist and importance of the cases. Study group sessions have helped as well.

Oddly enough, I've had a decent amount of free time thus far. I feel sort of guilty about it, but it's not like I haven't studied or kept up with everything. I've been able to watch some DVDs. Yesterday, I decided to go to the Coffee Bean in the area, which is about a five-minute drive from campus. As I noted earlier, I don't have a car right now, but I somewhat insanely decided that it wouldn't be too bad of a walk, particularly when I had some extra time. Of course, I neglected to think about the facts that the area near the school is hilly and that there is something to be desired in the way of pedestrian walkways on the route there. I didn't go anytwhere unsafe, of course, but I ended up walking on dirt rather than a proper sidewalk. Oh well, it was good exercise, even though my legs are sore.

And now I think I'll try to get some reading done.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Almost There

My roommates (including #3, who finally came) were all gone for most of the weekend, so I mostly had the place to myself. It was quiet, but it wasn't a bad thing; I like having the privacy once in a while. I got the reading done pretty quickly on Saturday, so I got the chance to veg out a bit, watching DVDs and the like.

This afternoon, I got a brief visit from my family; I showed them around the apartment. After a few minutes, dad drove back in my car (so it could be taken back to the shop) while Chrissie, mom, and I went to the local supermarket for more food. Chrissie and mom saw Adam Sandler there, but I didn't get a good look (and didn't feel like staring). Later, I went to a study group in the apartment next to us; we discussed a couple of cases, and it went pretty quickly.

Classes start tomorrow... wish me luck!

Friday, August 16, 2002

Orientation Etc.

Orientation has been going well; it's basically what you'd expect. There were lectures, mock classes (and studying for the mock classes), issuing of IDs, purchasing of books, and the like. On Thursday afternoon, I left to pick Chrissie up from work; I showed her around the campus and she stayed overnight. This morning, we drove to my grandparents' and met up with mom. After picking up a few things, I got back. I picked up all the syllabi and did some reading. I also tried to hang up a full-length mirror for my room... sadly, it fell and broke. At least I didn't get hurt, really; I got pricked once when cleaning up, but that was it.

Monday, August 12, 2002

Moving Day

Hmm... where to start?

Well, I picked dad up on the airport on Wednesday, finishing A Civil Action in the process. Though I got a haircut, Thursday was fairly uneventful.

On Friday, my parents and sister left for Las Vegas without me, as I had to check in at the student housing on Sunday. I got the house to myself for some of the weekend, though I spent much of the time with my grandparents. We rented videos, and I stayed over at their place. In addition, I got to see my cousins, who were cute (as always).

Today, I moved into the graduate student housing at Pepperdine. I reluctantly woke up at 7 and did some last-minute packing before my grandparents came over. After lunch, we headed over to Malibu, where the campus is located (I will have to post pictures; the area is really beautiful). After the initial confusion, I got my key and started to move things in. Later, we made the trek back to Northridge and got some more stuff before my grandparents said goodbye and I more or less set up the room.

The room consists of a common room, a bathroom, and four single bedrooms. The fourth room is currently unoccupied, but I did meet my other two suitemates. The first girl didn't stay for too long (she was just unloading her stuff and won't be back until orientation on Tuesday), but the other girl seems pretty nice and we're getting along well. And, of course, having a fast internet connection again is great.

In many ways I am surprised that the summer ended so fast, but I'm also glad to be moving on to new things. I just hope that I get off to a good start.

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

To Comic Con and Beyond

This weekend, I went to the Comic Con in San Diego; I'm not really a comics fan, but the convention also covers animation, and I got to hang out with my friends Marina and Fred, so that didn't really matter.

I took the train down to San Diego on Thursday night, arriving in town at 10:30 or so. I was picked up by Marina, and we met up with Fred after he flew in. We had dinner at the local Denny's (the only place open at that hour) and proceeded to find Fred a hotel room for the trip. The first place we tried was full, but we were able to get him a room at the next place we tried. Once that was settled, Marina and I went to a 24-hour supermarket to get food before going back to her place. Unfortunately, by the time that we got to bed, it was already 4 o'clock... and we would be meeting Fred at 8.

My lack of sleep was very evident the next morning, and I was a complete zombie until we stopped at the Starbucks in downtown San Diego. Once I was somewhat more awake, we began to make our way to the convention center, where we got our badges. Unfortunately, Marina got seperated from me and Fred almost immediately, and it took at least an hour for us to find each other again. We spent the time going to random panels and screenings and hanging out in the showroom downstairs, where they sold merchandise related to comics, animation, and the like. I was able to get a couple of pins as well as an Anna and the King glossy for Chrissie. Later, Marina had to leave to work on a project, so we had to split up (on purpose this time :) ), but we were able to get together later. Though we thought of seeing Signs, we were all tired and ended up watching TV instead.

The next day, I felt a bit more chipper as the result of more sleep. We picked up Daryl, a friend of Marina's, before going to the hotel and picking up Fred. Fred/Me and Marina/Daryl ended up splitting up, since we wanted to see different things. The most memorable panel was a Futurama one; they showed an unaired episode (about the group becoming superheroes) and answered a bunch of questions, which was fun. The two of us walked around San Diego for a bit before Fred had to take a taxi to the airport. After I said goodbye, I went back to the con for a while before meeting up with Marina and Daryl again. We then had dinner, dropped Daryl off, and went back to Marina's house.

The next day, Marina and I met with four of her friends and the two children of one of the friends; once we met, we made our way to the con. It was a bit more crowded than previous days, since retailers who didn't want to ship had marked down their merchandise and many people came in looking for a deal. It was still fun, though. I was able to go to a Muppet panel in which a bunch of volunteers tried their hand at puppeteering, which was pretty amusing. After we had dinner, I was dropped off at the train station and made my way home again.

Yesterday, I went out to Santa Monica, which went pretty well despite my lack of experience with freeway driving. I didn't end up doing much, but it was a fun excursion nonetheless.

Today, my mom and I had our annual eye appointment. It's not the most fun thing, but it needed to get done. In any case, it gave me the chance to do some reading.

Finally, I have a bit of good news. I received an email from Pepperdine and will be given student housing this year! I had consigned myself to living at home and taking the long commute every day, so it is a huge relief to be able to live on campus. I am so glad it worked out.