Sunday, August 18, 2002

Almost There

My roommates (including #3, who finally came) were all gone for most of the weekend, so I mostly had the place to myself. It was quiet, but it wasn't a bad thing; I like having the privacy once in a while. I got the reading done pretty quickly on Saturday, so I got the chance to veg out a bit, watching DVDs and the like.

This afternoon, I got a brief visit from my family; I showed them around the apartment. After a few minutes, dad drove back in my car (so it could be taken back to the shop) while Chrissie, mom, and I went to the local supermarket for more food. Chrissie and mom saw Adam Sandler there, but I didn't get a good look (and didn't feel like staring). Later, I went to a study group in the apartment next to us; we discussed a couple of cases, and it went pretty quickly.

Classes start tomorrow... wish me luck!

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