Wednesday, August 21, 2002

My Legs Are Sore (And, Uh, Classes Have Started)

Classes began on Monday. Here is my (revised) schedule:

8-9: Real Property
9:10-10:10: Torts I
11:30-12:30: Civil Pleading and Procedure I
1:20-2:30: Criminal Law

9:10-10:10: Torts I
10:20-11:20: Contracts I
1:30-2:30: Legal Research I

8-9: Real Property
11:30-12:30: Civil Pleading and Procedure I
1:20-2:30: Criminal Law

9:10-10:10: Torts I
10:20-11:20: Contracts I
1:30-2:30: Legal Research I (Group)

8-9: Real Property
10:20-11:20: Contracts I
11:30-12:30: Civil Pleading and Procedure I

So far it hasn't been too bad; the reading isn't too terrible in terms of volume, and I have been able to understand the basic gist and importance of the cases. Study group sessions have helped as well.

Oddly enough, I've had a decent amount of free time thus far. I feel sort of guilty about it, but it's not like I haven't studied or kept up with everything. I've been able to watch some DVDs. Yesterday, I decided to go to the Coffee Bean in the area, which is about a five-minute drive from campus. As I noted earlier, I don't have a car right now, but I somewhat insanely decided that it wouldn't be too bad of a walk, particularly when I had some extra time. Of course, I neglected to think about the facts that the area near the school is hilly and that there is something to be desired in the way of pedestrian walkways on the route there. I didn't go anytwhere unsafe, of course, but I ended up walking on dirt rather than a proper sidewalk. Oh well, it was good exercise, even though my legs are sore.

And now I think I'll try to get some reading done.

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