Sunday, July 27, 2003

Extra Time

After my harrowing day at the airport, I went back to London and got accommodations.

Tuesday was pretty relaxed, since I was relatively content with what I had already seen in London. I started out by going to the Sherlock Holmes museum, which didn't have that much to look at but was fun nonetheless. Later, I walked through Regent's Park and to the London Zoo; I walked through the zoo for a while. I then headed closer to the center of London, and looked through the Courtauld Institute, home to a small but interesting collection (including Manet's Bar at the Folies-Bergere). I finally headed over to the Picadilly area for dinner and a showing of the Reduced Shakespeare Company's Complete History of America, which I had gotten cheap and good student rush tickets for earlier that day.

Monday, July 21, 2003


Thanks to British Airways, I am still in London. I will try to make the best of it, but I am incredibly frustrated right now.

Last Day

Well, today was my last full day in England.

I started my morning by going to Madame Tussaud's, which was incredibly packed; one could barely maneuver around and get a decent look at the wax figures. I wasn't expecting much from the exhibit, but I was surprised that the staff allowed visitors to be packed in like that. After looking at the figures, some of which were more realistic than others, and pushing my way through, I took the tube over to Green Park. I walked past Buckingham Palace and towards Apsley House, the Duke of Wellington's residence. With my audioguide in hand, I walked through the rooms in the house, past the many works collected by the Duke, including a colossal fig-leafed statue of Napoleon.

I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping, and looked at tiny stands as well as London establishments such as Hamley's (the London equivalent of Toys 'R' Us) and Fortnum and Mason (which specializes in gourmet foods). After getting back to my room, I relaxed in my room, though I went out for a last dinner at a favorite restaurant.

Anyway, I should get packing. Goodnight!

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Drawing to a Close

On Thursday, Tiffany returned from Denmark and Sweden for a day in London before flying back to the US. I knew that she wouldn't arrive until early afternoon, so I went to the Leicester Square area for theatre tickets before going back to the student housing. After we met up, we went to the school to check email and pick up her laptop (which I had offered to store in my locker while she was traveling). Unfortunately, my key wasn't working, but someone was able to let us in; since they couldn't fix the key, I just turned in my building and locker keys and took my laptop to my room (which means I have no wireless connection... though I have gotten net access in my room). With that sorted out, we went to the National Gallery, where I got to take a look at many of the paintings I missed, the bulk of which came from the 18th century (these included Hogarth's Marriage a la Mode series and a couple of Chardins which gave me a new appreciation for the artist [I've seen photocopies, but they didn't do justice to the originals]). After dinner in Leicester Square, we went to a Sainsbury's supermarket and got some cake and other treats for a 'belated birthday party', which was celebrated across the river from Big Ben.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

The Complete Journal Entry (abridged)

I am back. For the curious, I went to a performance of the Reduced Shakespeare Company's Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged).

I learned that, while it is possible to get from Exhibition Road to Picadilly Circus in twenty minutes, it is not a good idea for those of us who are not cross-training. Though I was nervous about not being able to make it, I was there just in time to get my seat. I've seen the play before (in Philadelphia), but it was good to see the London version, and 'reduced Shakespeare' is always good for laughs. After the production, I headed back to my 'neighborhood' and had dinner at a favorite restaurant.

So, well, that's it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

London Continued

I had a rude awakening this morning when the fire alarm went off at around 5:00. Semi-conscious, I stumbled down eight stories and out of the building; in a few minutes, the fire department had checked out the building and I was able to stumble back up and go to sleep. Unsurprisingly, I ended up sleeping in a little past my alarm because of this.

Despite the later than expected start, I was able to get a good deal done. I first went over to the Tate Gallery and looked at the many British pieces there. Naturally, it was an interesting collection, particularly for fans of British artists and schools like the Pre-Raphaelites, Turner, Blake, Aubrey Beardsley, and Hogarth.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Dia de los Museos

I started the morning by going to the Science Museum, but was over an hour too early, so I spent the time getting tickets to the opening night of the Proms (a London concert series) at Royal Albert Hall and hanging out in the (now mostly empty) school building. Finally, the museum opened, and I went through the temporary Titanic exhibit, which had several recent artifacts.

After leaving the museum, I went across the street to the Victoria and Albert Museum, where I looked around the permanent collection and had lunch before going to the Art Deco exhibition. The exhibition itself was interesting, especially since I'm interested in that particular style, but it was very crowded.

I walked back to my room and tried to regain my energy (the heat and humidity left me a bit exhausted) before going to the National Gallery, where I saw the "Private Passion" exhibition (with works from Harvard's Winthrop collection, encompassing 19th century works including many drawings and paintings by Ingres and Moreau's 'Salome,' which I found quite striking) and parts of the regular collection that I had glossed over before. I'd still like to go back to the museum, though.

After the museum closed, I had dinner near Leicester square before going to a performance of Hitchcock Blonde, a new play. I'm sort of mixed about the play itself; though the Hitchcock performance was very good and the play started well, it was a bit overwrought and, well, all too obviously written by a man. But, in any case, it's good to see new plays rather than just restrict oneself to 'museum pieces.'

More London Sightseeing

I got a fairly early start today, and headed over to the London Eye so I could beat the sometimes long lines. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, the London Eye is a ferris wheel/observatory that takes visitors to the top in several capsules; it's also a recent landmark, as it was originally built (by corporate sponsor British Airways) to celebrate the millennium. Anyway, I got on pretty quickly and spent my time there running around the capsule, looking at the stunning city views, and taking plenty of snapshots.

After getting off, I went over to Westminster Abbey, where I looked at the church's many monuments. I particularly liked Poet's Corner (naturally) and the monument to Newton, which unsurprisingly had the tombs of other important scientists in the vicinity. I took a lunch break and headed across town, where I stopped by the British Library. Another new structure (from 1998), it has important manuscripts that were originally from the British Museum's collection, including the Lindisfarne Gospels (the subject of a special exhibition), Magna Carta, writings by Jane Austen, the original Alice in Wonderland, and music sheets from Handel, Mozart, Gilbert and Sullivan, and the Beatles.

I briefly went back to my room to drop off some stuff before going to Leicester Square to see Phantom of the Opera. Though I was familiar with some of the music, I hadn't seen it before. It was a good production, even if I had to crane my head around so my view wasn't blocked by the guy in fromt of me (which wasn't too bad, since I was in an aisle seat).

Anyway, I ought to get to bed if I want to be ready for tomorrow. Goodnight!

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Yorkshire, Sussex, and More

Well, here are the details of the past week.

On Monday (the 7th), I took a morning train to York. After dropping off my backpack at the Bed and Breakfast, I went out to see the sights. I first visited the Castle Museum, which is more or less a 'museum of everyday life' with household objects, outfits, tools, furniture, and the like. It also had two reconstructions of market streets (one Victorian and the other Edwardian), complete with shops you could walk into. I then headed over to York Minster, the largest cathedral in northern Europe. After ambling through the main sections of the building, I went down into the undercroft, which showcased the remains of the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman buildings that existed before the cathedral. Finally, I was able to climb the 275 steps to the very top of the cathedral, which was pretty exhilarating. After getting back down to Earth, I left York Minster and went to the nearby Yorkshire museum, which had several artifacts from the city's Roman, Viking, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval history. At this point, my back was starting to hurt, so I headed back to the Bed and Breakfast, taking a route along the city wall. I relaxed and watched TV before going back for a 'ghost hunt' walking tour, which, while kind of hokey, was entertaining. I came back to my room and was so exhausted that I immediately conked out.

Friday, July 11, 2003

Happy Birthday to Me

I am now officially 23 years old.

In other news, I got back from Yorkshire today. I will give all the details later, but right now I need to leave my computer so I can go to the theatre.

Sunday, July 6, 2003


Not much has happened since I last wrote; I've basically been working on/procrastinating my law review 'write on' since I got settled in. I was able to call home for the fourth, and made the rounds speaking with family members (including my 3-year-old cousins, who implored me to come home). Other than that, I haven't done much of interest besides struggle with myself in an attempt to get this project done (which is especially hard when I am inclined to relax after exams and I know it's 'optional' in the back of my mind).

Today, I've holed myself up in the classrooms in an attempt to get the work done. I've pretty much taken over the rooms (even spreading out my wet laundry in the small classroom, as the dryer at the housing complex wasn't working), and fortunately haven't been disturbed by any of the undergrads here. I'm going to place my wireless card in my locker once I've finished with this entry so I can finish; hopefully, with the help of a liberal supply of coffee, I will be able to complete the paper and subcheck.

Tomorrow morning I leave for York, so I have a trip to reward me after this thing is over and done with.

Update: It's now about 3:15, and I'm about 1,200 words into the Case Note part of it (which has a limit of 3,300 words), but it's becoming increasingly apparent that I can't realistically get this and the subcheck finished in time, at least not if I want to do a decent job and get the footnotes right. If I had an extra day or two, I could pull it off, but I know I won't be able to mail it tomorrow (I need a July 7 postmark), even if I decided to forego the York trip. I guess I just had too much on my plate, and it was unrealistic for me to try and do an assignment 'designed to take no more than 2 weeks' in 3 days. I suppose I can always wait for next year, and even the attempt was a valuable experience. In any case, it's probably better for me to get a couple hours' worth of sleep before my early morning taxi than get no sleep in a vain attempt to finish this.

Thursday, July 3, 2003

Free at Last

Well, exams are over, which, as always, is a relief. After my last exam (on Wednesday), I went over to the National Gallery with a couple of friends. After a quick look through the gallery (I will have to go back for more), we had dinner at Wagamama, a London noodle bar.

Today, I moved my stuff out of the student housing and into a different housing facility before going over to Leicester square with Tiffany. We had something to eat before heading back. I am currently at the school (I don't have to give up my key to the building or my locker yet), so I'll be able to come back here if I need to print something out or use the internet. Hopefully, I'll be too busy exploring to spend much of my remaining time here on the computer.

By the way, I'd like to wish everyone an early happy Fourth of July!