Tuesday, July 15, 2003

More London Sightseeing

I got a fairly early start today, and headed over to the London Eye so I could beat the sometimes long lines. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, the London Eye is a ferris wheel/observatory that takes visitors to the top in several capsules; it's also a recent landmark, as it was originally built (by corporate sponsor British Airways) to celebrate the millennium. Anyway, I got on pretty quickly and spent my time there running around the capsule, looking at the stunning city views, and taking plenty of snapshots.

After getting off, I went over to Westminster Abbey, where I looked at the church's many monuments. I particularly liked Poet's Corner (naturally) and the monument to Newton, which unsurprisingly had the tombs of other important scientists in the vicinity. I took a lunch break and headed across town, where I stopped by the British Library. Another new structure (from 1998), it has important manuscripts that were originally from the British Museum's collection, including the Lindisfarne Gospels (the subject of a special exhibition), Magna Carta, writings by Jane Austen, the original Alice in Wonderland, and music sheets from Handel, Mozart, Gilbert and Sullivan, and the Beatles.

I briefly went back to my room to drop off some stuff before going to Leicester Square to see Phantom of the Opera. Though I was familiar with some of the music, I hadn't seen it before. It was a good production, even if I had to crane my head around so my view wasn't blocked by the guy in fromt of me (which wasn't too bad, since I was in an aisle seat).

Anyway, I ought to get to bed if I want to be ready for tomorrow. Goodnight!

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