Monday, July 21, 2003

Last Day

Well, today was my last full day in England.

I started my morning by going to Madame Tussaud's, which was incredibly packed; one could barely maneuver around and get a decent look at the wax figures. I wasn't expecting much from the exhibit, but I was surprised that the staff allowed visitors to be packed in like that. After looking at the figures, some of which were more realistic than others, and pushing my way through, I took the tube over to Green Park. I walked past Buckingham Palace and towards Apsley House, the Duke of Wellington's residence. With my audioguide in hand, I walked through the rooms in the house, past the many works collected by the Duke, including a colossal fig-leafed statue of Napoleon.

I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping, and looked at tiny stands as well as London establishments such as Hamley's (the London equivalent of Toys 'R' Us) and Fortnum and Mason (which specializes in gourmet foods). After getting back to my room, I relaxed in my room, though I went out for a last dinner at a favorite restaurant.

Anyway, I should get packing. Goodnight!

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