Monday, September 23, 2002

Little More Than A Month Into Law School, And I'm Already Starting To Hate The Word 'Reasonable'...

First of all, here's a profile of my Myers-Briggs personality type on a page I stole borrowed from Fred. You can judge whether it's accurate or not.

Thursday was interesting enough. That afternoon, George Page residents were lured with free food to hear something about what to do in case of a fire. I didn't end up eating much of the food, but I guess I'm glad that it's over with. Later that evening, I was coerced into going out to the Malibu Inn against my better judgment. It was okay, but I would have rather stayed home.

Once Friday classes had ended, I met with Chrissie; after she picked me up, we drove around, had dinner, and hung out around her dorm room before going (along with her friend Jenny) to a screening of Lilo and Stitch. It was a lot of fun, especially since the audience was really enthusiastic. Because it was late by the time the movie got out, I spent the night at her place.

Since Chrissie had to go somewhere on Saturday morning, we didn't end up driving back to Malibu until the early afternoon. We had lunch together before she dropped me off. As one might expect, I didn't get that much done that afternoon, but c'est la vie. I got more done on Sunday (in addition to studying, I met with my Lecal Research professor about the open memo). Happily, I was actually fairly productive today as well.

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