Saturday, September 28, 2002

Update Time

Lessee... what's been going on lately?

As you know, I had my Torts exam on Thursday. Of course, I forgot to remember my exam number so the profs can grade anonymously (mornings do that to you, I guess), so I had to run to the computer center in order to get my number. Of course, it turns out that I didn't really need to do it, but that's life.

I spent part of the afternoon working on my open memo at Starbucks. Unfortunately, my keyboard broke down while I was there. After frantically running around campus for help, I was advised to keep the computer off for a while. I did, and the computer is in decent shape... except I can't type t, y, 5, or 6 without it coming out as t5 and y6, which means I have to constantly delete characters. At least I'll be able to finish my memo. Hopefully I'll be able to send my laptop in soon. But5 y6ou should all appreciat5e t5hat5 I'm t5aking t5he effort5 t5o keep my6 ent5ry6 from looking exact5ly6 like t5his.

Friday was parents' day, so my parents came to campus, where they sat in on a class and did other stuff. My dad apparently got recognized when they went to the advocacy tournament (overseen by former CA Supreme Court justice Arabian, who he has argued in front of). I spent much of today just reading, since I will be seeing my sister tomorrow.

Goodnight everybody!

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