Monday, March 10, 2003

I Have A Headache

I haven't been able to update recently; whenever I've felt like updating, I've been tired and wanted to wait until tomorrow.

I got to see The Pianist on Friday; I've been wanting to see it for a while, so I'm glad I got around to it. The rest of Friday and Saturday ended up being pretty uneventful; I was supposed to meet with my partner on Saturday, but it didn't end up working out.

I met with my partner on Sunday (before meeting with the professor); while I was more prepared than he was, he seemed a bit more on top of things than my wonderful partner from last time. After meeting, I headed over to USC to watch a production of Vinegar Tom that Chrissie was teching for. The play itself was a feminist retelling of 17th century witch hunts that also had elements of a rock opera. In the evening, after Chrissie had finished striking the set, we went along with some of her friends to a bowling event (it was some sort of charity fundraiser).

I had to get more gas today; it cost me $45 to fill up my tank. I really need to get a more fuel-efficient car...

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